***warning: crossdressing
NOTE: uuh.. uuuuuuuh, i'm experimenting ok =_=
I hate bathroom maintenance. *puts on scuba gear* :(
My grandparents are coming to visit alll the way from Puerto Rico, and well... everything must be spotless of course. I haven't seen them in like five years, give or take a year, ever since I went over there for christmas vacation and to celebrate the new year, lol like 2000 or something. I'm definately nervous, they never really visited here in the rest of that time because my mom's girlfriend was living here with her kids haha :/ but now that she's moved out (temporarily?) they're coming. oh god. and on the 20th.
It's funny, i'm so whitewashed, but if I refer to them as anything other than Abuelito or Abuelita my mouth feels weird. I guess because I grew up calling them that.