inclined to wander

Jun 01, 2011 15:22

General Info
Play By: Tan Jianci
Journal: vagabondings
AIM: #baichipang
Mun Alias: Muse name is good.

Character Info
Full Name: Ipo Kieran Janssen - Huang
Age: 16 (Just about)
Nationality: Chinese-Dutch American
Photo: + + +
Grade/Year: 10/Sophomore
Co-Curriculars: Art Club, Otaku Club, Chinese Culture Club

Ipo is not the brightest crayon in the box. In fact, some may say he's pretty much a complete airhead. School completely bores him, and the time he should be devoting to his studies is generally spent eating. Or sleeping. Or on the internet. On anything that doesn't involve being cooped up in a room with a stack of dusty books. That being said, what he lacks in smarts he makes up for with sheer charisma.

A large part of Ipo's charisma comes from his quirkiness. He's just a bit strange, to say the least. Completely unafraid to say things that may 1) make no sense at all, 2) be completely tactless, or 3) be completely irrelevant, Ipo takes quite a bit of time to get used to. He's open-minded in both thought and practice - perhaps a little too open for some people. His moods are mercurial at best, and there's little to no warning before they go through a monumental shift; varying from energetic to lethargic, loud to quiet, cranky to effervescent in a matter of minutes. He is somewhat of a headache to deal with, but his intentions are never ill. He's a little eccentric, a little quirky, a little crazy; and always unpredictable.

Ipo has always been the sort of guy who’d strip off and dance around in the rain with only his underwear on, or randomly follow strange signs, just to see where he'd end up. Even as a small child he was impulsive and reckless, and never one to stick to one thing for too long. It can be a good thing to let yourself go sometimes, but Ipo's reckless nature either gets him into trouble or has people convinced he’s completely unhinged. He enjoys parties perhaps a bit too much, and will happily attend any and all that he hears of, invited or not - the more unruly, the better. He might blame inebriation for his behavior, but that's clearly a lie and does not explain why he's always like that.

Many people mistake a confident person for one who is perfectly secure, and has no self-esteem issues. This assessment is actually wrong, at least in Ipo's case. There is so much about himself Ipo struggles with. While some people can look at themselves and find some redeeming qualities, he looks at himself and mostly sees worthless trash. It's a side of himself that he keeps well-hidden, unwilling to burden others with what he sees as his own petty problems. It's only when he's alone with the stillness of night that he lets these thoughts roam free. And if he cries, by God he keeps it to himself. He'd rather die than have someone think him to be weak.

extended profile and other info here.


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