In just a moment, I will proceed to credit anything and anyone who has helped me in the making of my graphics. Something I've been meaning to do for a while.
Please please please please let me know if I've forgotten you. I'm so grateful for what you do and would hate to think that I left you out of this post!
Please give a round of applause for:
gendercolorfilter_joniseptember_iconspessimistchicklakiconsorchiddelightinexorablyherehonerbrightoxoniensiscandycracklily_sunshinedissappeariconsThe Stock Exhangetexturatre-xturehybrid-genesisRural Art (site closed)
crumblingwallscolorfilter Brushes:
candycrackabsolutetroublealleycatfishohpaintbrushisabellecscrystalkirkseptember_iconsteh_indydamnapplevoid brushestouchstone's artdigital bristleMiss M Promotional Stills:
Yahoo!MoviesGoogle Image Search Caps:
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ishiepamelajoyignited3column This page will be continually updated, so check back often!