Dec 03, 2006 21:13
In the spirit of the Holiday's season I figured we could have a sort of Goodwill Dream post, like the lovechild of a dream post and a love meme.
Someone posts, a character goes "Oh, I'm dreaming" and then other characters drop by their dream and say good things about them. The trick is that they have to be true, you know, "Fletcher, I actually kind of like your hat" or "Akiha, I love you." Who remembers what would be up to the players, I figure that Akiha would remember that he dreamt his sempai confessed his love, but since it's a dream, he could disregard it. And Umeda could remember he dreamt he told Akiha he loved him, but he could NEVER talk about it so life would go on as usual.
I suck at explaining, but I can try again? So, what do you think? If there's interest we can set up a date and I'll post with Dumbledore, since he's good at that.
event planning