Hey folks, it's Your Guide to PostSecret 3.
Step One
Make a secret.
Our inspiration is here. Secrets can be posted by campers, counselors or by computers on behalf of their owners. The computers organize the event.
Secrets can be sappy, silly or serious. They can be digital or traditional-looking.
Around 400-575 pixels in width or length is generally a good size. Just so long as we can read the text and not kill the dial-up users.
Step Two
Upload the secret. For this, we have the handy CFUD Photobucket account. User name cfudanonymous, password the same as the cfud anon lj accounts. (You don't have to use this, it's just convenient.)
Step Three
Anonymously post a text link to the secret in the Postsecret post.
This is a link to the "post new comment" page. Step Four
Anonymously post a link to your thread in this post under the page number. Example:
Page 1
"Crossdressing boys are hot."
*catboys flipping out - not a secret*
"I'm sleeping with a wolf. And it tops."
"That goat doesn't love you!!"
*dee smokes and dots for some reason - not a secret*
As you can see, this applies even if you're starting a new thread that isn't a secret. Because hopefully our computers will all die less this way.
Have fun! If people want to post secrets tomorrow as well, that's fine with me. I'll poke the chan to let them know there's new ones still going up.