Enabled through popular demand, it's the LOVE MEME.
For those who have not done this before, the procedure is simple.
- You comment to the post listing all of your characters. This is important because I sure don't know who you play and I bet that people less obsessed with the game have even less of an idea. Commenting here is not attention whoring
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And even if I haven't played with Jenny yet (but I want to so bad) I can really respect you playing two different characters and what I've seen so far makes me think of the show fondly so go you.
I'd already tell you your Kyou is concentrated awesome but you'll be hearing that a lot anyway, since it's true.
Jenny is just as awesome, if not more so, because darn I love me some Nickelodeon. You have the voice down so well, and she's just as hilarious as she is in canon, if not moreso. Oh, teenage robot, you are so crazy. ♥
I. I need to throw Sakuraba at Kyou more, mostly because I feel really bad whenever Akito is ... Akito at Kyou. Which isn't often, but! I haven't caught Jenny much, but your Kyou is spot on and. And. eee. ♥
Okay, so I've known you since your first Kyou-kun (whose account I would still have friended if it weren't deleted :<) and I loved you to death. You played Kyou-kun SO WELL and pretty much catered to all my Tohru/Kyou OTP fangirl wants. You also made me finish reading all of Furuba manga, as I was waaayyyy behind. You coming back to CFUD made my freakin' month as I was thinking about how cool it would be if the original Kyou came back and you DID and I was so happy and squee-y for such a long time. ♥ RENGE NEEDS TO MEET YOU and possibly tease you about your crush on Tohru~
And I haven't seen Jenny's canon in ages, but I'm 100% sure you have her character DOWN and your threads with her are fun to watch. :Db
See keywords :D
You're an amazing Kyou. Kyou makes me laugh and giggle and he's so sad sometimes and it's just . . . awesome and amazing to read and Ritsu loev Kyou. I'm so happy you got in. A-and god, when Sakaki and Kyou met I couldn't stop laughing.
And with Jenny, I've only seen a couple of episodes of her canon but everytime she comments I HEAR HER VOICE and it's so cute.. I need to interact with BOTH OF THEM more.
Which is to say... ♥ You rock, don't stop the rock.
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