Apr 27, 2007 02:30


Alright! So in the 8th Pokemon movie there are these things called time flowers. They look like pretty purply crystalized flowers. When activated, they either A) record what you're doing at that exact moment or B) project a moment in time to you.

SO HERE'S THE IDEA. In a post, a bunch of time flowers will pop up all over camp. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO, your character can activate it (just by touching it). And the flowers project pieces from [Insert Character Here]'s canon. Ex: If Sano activated one, it might project his infamous beer goggle scene and embarrassment would follow. Get it?

You can project ANYTHING YOU WANT this post is mainly for people to laugh at themselves, get embarrassed, 'accidentally' show things from their canon to their camp!friends (or canon friends too), whatever you want >D If there's something a flower's projecting that you DON'T want everyone to see or something, feel free to locationally lock it.

Canonly time flowers can only be activated by people with a certain aura (Ash/Aaron/Lucario), but this is camp so let's just say THE AURA'S GOIN' CRAZY cuz of all the uber powerful people so anyone can activate them :|b

Sooo yay, nay, what the hey? ETA ALSO if this is a good idea, when would be a good day/time to post? I'm thinking a Saturday or Friday.

event planning, info gathering

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