I'm toying with the idea to bring the Beast to camp and would like to hear your thoughts on this.
For those of you who haven't seen the movie GO DO IT NOW.: The
Beast of Gévaudan, which inspired the movie
Brotherhood of the Wolf, is a legendary French monster. It roamed a French providence and killed mostly (in the movie exclusively) children and women. Up until now there are lot of speculations about its nature. In the movie the Beast is very gruesome, so that people who only have witnessed its attacks go nearly insane.
For IC explanations, a spoileriffic explanation under ze cut.
Jean-François trapped in camp for too long now. He MUST get home, NOW and he starts to get really, really mad at the Director. In the movie the Beast is unleashed by the Brotherhood. They then claim its attacks are a punishment of the king who is not able to properly rule the country. Should Jean-François meet his little pet by chance in the forest, this is what he would do - unleash it to camp and publish blackmailing letters to the Director, threatening to kill half of camp if she doesn't let everyone go.
Note: If we should do this, you can rip the poor Beast to shreds, but it can't be revealed that Jean-François is its master because ... er, that would make him more or less unplayable for me. orz
OOCly, this would just be another huge boss-battle for camp because the Beast will have to learn that the children in camp are not quite as harmless as back home. :D
I thought of the classic camp monster scenario: let the Beast roam for a while, maybe a weekend long, with volunteers that will be attacked, and a boss fight in the end?
The thing that could pose a problem here is that the Beast would be a rather traumatizing camp event. Before everyone can come and kick its sorry ass, its first victims would be defenseless people. Because a) it's the nature of the Beast to seek out the defenseless and b) it's nothing supernatural, so everybody with powers would just end the event in one thread \o/.
What are your thoughts? Yay bossbattle or ogodno, please no, too much trauma?