Okay guys, I mentioned this a while back... and then kind of failed at bringing it back up to the table for a few reasons. But after some OOC talks to people and stuff, I am PUMPED UP TO DO IT NOW.
SO! It's basically going to run like what we had for Bleach weekend. Gnosis appearances, battles for all types of people in camp depending on their fighting and power levels. And an in-progress but looking good idea for a final boss for everyone to hack up.
WHAT IS A GNOSIS, you ask. They are, to the everyday people, clones, mutants, synthetic people and androids of the Xenosaga universe, aliens! Aliens that jumped into the universe's pretty little picture, and aliens that are hostile to humans. What they are beyond that is a mystery to the universe and also spoilers so it doesn't matter! \o/ What matters is that THEY ARE COMING, and they are gonna try and KILL YOU.
Gnosis come in all shapes and sizes! There could be some that are the size of butterflies, and ones that can swallow several entire planets. I scanned in some Gnosis art pages from one of my artbooks so you can get a general idea
RIGHT HERE. Humanoid ones, lion-looking ones, generally weird looking ones, they vary.
They have weapons! As you can see, one has a GIANT AXE, others have gun-type weapons, sharp claws or rely on giant fists and brute strength. They also have elemental attacks! So can try to burn you with fire, freeze you with ice, fry you with lightning, etc.
They go really well for a themed weekend, so we can have larger stronger ones attacking people with stronger powers, and hey, we can get tiny little weak buggery ones that someone can step on and it will die. We can have GROUP BATTLE FUN! Anything goes, Gnosis are flexible.
The weekend will probably be simple in this way like Bleach weekend. But like that weekend we WILL NEED PEOPLE to actually use the monster account through the weekend. If someone wants to start a post or have something happen halfway into a thread. I'd imagine multiple posts and stuff for various times and various groups. In chan calls of "hey can anybody hop on and run a little something for an idea I had?" I'd want to be answered!
And I think that's it. Uh. I hope that's it. ;.;
SOUND GOOD? IS THERE INTEREST FOR THIS? Please comment so I get an idea! And then I will set up a poll for a date. ^_^ Hopefully by the end of this month!
Also, please comment with any questions or if I forgot to address anything in this post. I've never done this before, I don't want to mess up! /o/