At this very moment, The Pie-Maker, the Girl Named Chuck, and Emerson Cod - Knitting Detective Extraordinaire - were missing the presence of their Itty Bitty...
Reasons to App Olive Snook, the Tiny Singing Waitress with a Voice of Gold:
Here's a little lady with a lot of moxy. She is, in fact, Itty Bitty.
Olive is the tiny little waitress of The Pie Hole with big... uh assets and is hopelessly in love with the Pie-Maker. Only he doesn't like her back in that way, so poor Olive pines over their love-affair-that-cannot-be and sometimes the little symphony playing in her heart bursts out when her heart breaks and music spills forth in the form of a beautiful ballad. Chirpy and chipper, Olive's larger-than-life personality means she's always willing to jump in on the newest sting, deliver pies of comfort to agoraphobic aunts, or fight dirty on behalf of her beloved Pie Hole in competitions of business or reputation. And though she's proved her mettle time and again she's the only Pie-Holer left out of the loop on Chuck's Alive-Again status. But all this secrecy only serves to make Olive more determined to gain that membership to get in on the scoop, the skinny, and the haps.
Like Ned, she has a "tell" when she lies.
Sometimes has problems with words and their meanings.
Is an accomplished undercover agent.
Is not afraid to cut a bitch
Is a great addition to any cook-off team
Is awkwardly adorable about her crush on Ned.
Knows where her friend boundaries lie.
She also has a rockin' voice.
Shares a secret handshake with Chuck.
She, herself, is well endowed.
Memorable Quotes
Musing on the idea of setting someone on fire doesn't mean you really want to set them on fire, it's just the thought of it that makes you happy, but only for a second and then you feel bad, but that second can be a lot of fun!
I used to think 'masturbation' meant chewing your food. I don't think that anymore.
[to Chuck and Ned]: Do either of you have a gun? Then I'm going with Emerson.
It's like we're trapped in a sachet in a panty drawer of a dead shut-in, who was shut in her bedroom by her cat so that it would have to smell the scene of Freesia. Can't you smell it?
Wouldn't it just rock and roll if liking someone meant they had to like you back? Of course that'd be a different universe and something else would probably suck.
That's the most tragic story I've ever heard. Notwithstanding the big ticket items like genocide and famine, but tragic nonetheless.
Emerson: What got thee to a nunnery?
Olive: Oh, Emerson. You really want to know?
Emerson: Not especially. That was just my attempt at polite wee talk. Moment's passed, so let's talk compensation.
Emerson: That was the truth bus.
Olive: That wasn't the truth bus. That was the bitchy, cross town express.
Olive: Ned, I really appreciate you going along with all of this.
Ned: You don't have to thank me. I've been curious having a normal relationship. This one has been really interesting to try on.
Olive: Try on? You try on a sweater at the mall. You try on your best friend's bra and you smile on the inside because yours are bigger and better. You don't try on a person!
Ned: Clearly not the right choice of words.