So before I go off to make an introduction post, I have a survey of sorts! (don't all leap for joy now)
Well first, I posted a canon explanation for Hisoka's powers
here. I apologize in advance for the incoherent-ness. :D;
Second, about Hisoka's empathy. It's shiny and he can, to summarize what I wrote in my post, feel your emotional state, "hear" your surface thoughts, and get a general feel about you/your soul. All of these powers depend on the emotional and mental control of whoever he's talking to though. So someone who feels things strongly like say, Ed, would be very easy for Hisoka to read and he'd probably be picking up on his thoughts without meaning to. On the other hand, Hisoka would probably not be able to read the mind of a Jedi or telepath who shields their mind unless he was touching them and/or their guard was down. Of course, emotional and mental control are not the same thing (looking at Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort wut XD).
However, Hisoka is a very private person and he will never try to read anyone on purpose unless he has a very good reason to. Still, I don't want to step on any toes, but I also want to know how easy or hard it would be for him to sense your character's emotions/thoughts, which finally brings us to the point of this post!
If you all could give me a sentence or two about your character(s)'s mental health or whatnot, as well as if you want Hisoka to be able to sense their emotions/read their mind and occasionally randomly comment on their thoughts, that would be dandy. :D
Also, for all the psychopaths and/or sociopaths out there, how evil you think you'd register on Hisoka's empathy. Since it'd be no fun for him to go around pegging people as evil(or being able to tell that they're lying), I'm assuming that they'd just make him uncomfortable and uneasy, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter too. 8D
I love you all and I'm off to make a post or somesuch now bai~ ♥
Edit: Forgot to add that if your character isn't human (y hallo thar Envy), please to be telling me that as well as what Hisoka might sense from your character.