Right. So. Lots of characters at CFUD, yes? And for fandoms that not all of us know, and sometimes even pairing up across fandoms. Nevertheless, we follow them, and some of us even want to draw them.
Only we run into problems. Like height differences. And clothing. I know I can't keep track of what all the different characters are wearing at any given time, or when they lose shirts and so forth; I can barely do that for ten. Icons don't usually help, since most of the time they're focused on the character's face or upper torso and don't always change with the camp. Good for RPing, not so much for drawing someone whose canon you've never seen before. And then there's book characters, which is a whole 'nother issue.
Anyway, what I'm asking for here is some basic info. What does/do your character(s) usually wear? Has anything changed with this at camp? How tall is/are he/she/they? (CM and feet/inches are both fine; I have a calculator that can convert, though I'll probably be defaulting to feet/inches.) If you don't know heights for sure, guessing is also fine. All help in these areas is appreciated ♥
Also, I was completely enabled by
satora_chan, so direct the bad jokes that I know are coming over there, please.