Jul 20, 2006 09:54
Inquiry time, kids.
Okay so, for AGES it's silently bugged me that we never seem to have weather at camp. (And by 'bugged' I mean it makes me sad when I remember to notice). And then, TOTALLY UNCONNECTED TO THIS ISSUE (until I put two and two together) Vash decided that since he won't be the camp's localized disaster and uh... can't do anything useful, maybe he should be the weatherman =D This mostly stems from him wanting to use the megaphone but that's not the point!
So here is my general uh. I guess enabling request. I've never RPed stuff like things happening in the rain or the wind or the snow or with a chance of tornados because... because you would expect that to happen more or less all over camp and there is no organized way for anyone to even suspect there MIGHT be a chance of rain that day and while I can warp time all I want, the lack of continuity there bugs me a little. And I tend to suspect it's this way for a lot of people, cause I can't remember the last time I saw someone mention just... rain. Or wind or any form of weather.
My idea is that, if no will mind Vash declaring himself weatherman and taking up that position, once a week he will 'post' that week's broadcast, which will be about 50% stolen from weather.com and 50% complete bullshit and 100% All In Fun. And then your characters (and you) have an idea of some weather to work with that week. So if you want to have a post saying you're staying inside on account of rain, who wants to play scrabble? Go for it. Or a post of "Vash predicted tornados today I'mma go hang out in the labs?" go for it. And if you don't WANT to worry about tornadoes or don't WANT to be rained on? Well, fuck, who believes weathermen ANYWAY? And how often are they actually right?
So that's my idea, and a couple of things I think people MIGHT mind so I'm pre-empting:
1) Reports will be under cuts, cause I know some people HATE large fonts, but Vash is just always loud when he's addressing the populace. But the cuts will keep him from filling up the main camp.
2) Reports are NOT FACT. EVER. Even if Vash says it's raining RIGHT NOW as far as you're concerned? It's only raining on him. Basically, your parade will never, ever be rained on unless you want it to be, just like everything else in camp. Similarly. Reports are WRONG as often and as badly as you want them to be. Vash is from a planet with absolutely no weather to begin with. So if he predicts 100% chance of clear skies? Feel free to get poured on. And feel free to blame him for it. He'll offer you a free poncho.
This is basically more my attempt to A) give Vash something consistent to do and B) add another element of RP for people to draw on if they want to. You are of course under no obligation to read these posts or care about them or have them affect you one way or the other.
So! Ideas? Problems? Concerns? And overall, would anyone mind if I did this?
Informative Edit! The weather predictions, much less the REAL weather, won't follow Real Louisiana Weather, mostly cause I would get bored. Most likely I'll get a general temperature range from weather.com, then fiddle with them, then have Vash mess it all up. And of course, no Massive Real Life Weather will hit CFUD either.
event planning,