Oct 20, 2006 23:06
Good evening. I know this seemingly comes a little late for some of you, but I wanted to raise a topic that warrants group feedback for safety concerns.
For those I've not met, my name is Mizuno Ami. I...suppose my time here officially qualifies me as a veteran. I can usually be found around the hospital, library, or Girls' Cabin 10. So if there's any information or inconsistencies you feel could be possibly solved, I'll be happy to do my best to help you all see a positive end for your problems.
As to topic, we're coming up fast on Halloween. The last Halloween of this place was not exactly festive--in fact, it was more confusing and dangerous than many of the incidents, here. For that reason, I was going to propose we reaffirm a insurance plan for the populace at large.
Several major buildings would need to be reinforced against anything from the slight to the severe--the Mess Hall and Hospital, in particular. As well, there is a shelter that was cleared and prepared for dire emergency back in April--it would not hurt to spruce that up as well. Especially since we've so many wandering habitually through the bog and forest, as anyone cut off from the camp body could easily make base there until further help can arrive.
Volunteers to help assist would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure. And if anyone has further ideas, please don't hesitate to voice them.
((Okay, so, IC plotting post! Ami's gotten a Bad Feeling about the coming holiday, and several conversations have only reaffirmed the feeling. SO, defensive/recovery/etc plots go here. Also, came say hello, new folks? For those meeting her, Ami's on crutches, and her shadow is quite pink.))