As I have observed camp of late, I see yet some confusion as to what we Nobodies are, and what that means to others. I have seen accusations and so forth bandied about. In normal situations, it would not be a concern. But here, we must live among you, and so I think it best for you to know. I have explained things before, but to summarize it again:
All creatures have a 'heart' -- not the beating organ we know so well, but the 'heart of their matter', the centre of being which defines them as something which exists. Sometimes, a person who dies in fear and hate, or a person who has their heart stolen by a particular creature, may become what is known as a 'Heartless', where the removed heart becomes encased in darkness and walks around, trying to steal hearts and make others of its own. Particularly strong people who die this terrible death... they may refuse to give in to the oblivion that comes with such a thing and their destroyed body may be pulled together in a different shape by the force of their will, and their soul may bind to it again. This creature has a different personality than their original selves and, depending on the strength of the willpower, may or may not look human.
This is called a Nobody. It is known, in popular culture across the worlds where our existence's secret has come into the open, to be a creature which is empty of emotion, cunning and plotting, empty white husks who will terrorize living humans by -- well, actually, I'm not sure exactly what people think we will do! But needless to say, they think we are capable of engaging in terrible behaviour against them.
But, before you fear us, I note that whether we look human or not, we still keep the human mind we were made with; whether or not you believe we can feel or are simply trying to trick you with displays of human-like emotion, we are intelligent beings who can be reasoned with. In short, while I doubt my pleas have much effect, I note that I, at least, have no desire to fight humans unnecessarily.
Moreover, we are people, or so I believe. (Others do not, but I doubt they have the same personal perspective on the matter.) We live in a city -- a large world that doesn't exist, with a huge spreading city below a floating castle. Our city has skyscrapers, neon lights, entertainments, trucks and -- well, so many things you may find familiar. We are individuals with unique thought, and though we are ruled by an organization, we want little more than relief for the suffering of our people.
...Admittedly, the most recent leader is a
cruel tyrant who is known for his militaristic control over individual activities and I personally think it's more than time for a change but that is neither here nor there.