OK. Anyone of the female persuasion living in the Newlywed Cabin? Consider yourself booted out for the night. Because tonight? It's Bachelor Party central! All you chicks can like... hang out somewhere else and talk about how we suck or something. THIS IS A MANLY ZONE.
Now that that's taken care of, I want all the guys to make sure to give the man of the evening your condolences on his impending marital enslavement. Oopsies! I meant your congratulations on his impending marital bliss. Same thing, really.
Kon, I have a nice ball and chain here with your name on it.
((ooc: What he said. Kon's Bachelor Party. At the Newlywed Cabin. No, he didn't give any of the female inhabitants of the cabin advanced notice. There's food. There will be scandal and debauchery. COME AND PARTY.))