Hey, anyone here? I'm Luke, and this is Guy, and we just to know if this (cabin/dorm/hotel/placeofresidence) has any free beds.
((IC CABIN POST GO. Luke and Guy are stopping at all obvious places of rest and asking about bed space in an effort to A) find out where the new people can go to stay and B) how much space is left and if he's going to need to start telling Guy to organize a building more living space project.
THIS is the most recently updated cabin post. I believe it's pretty accurate. IF YOU DON'T KNOW IF YOUR CABIN HAS ANY BEDS OR NOT the standard cabin contains six beds. Of course, you might have acquired more at some point or another. Feel free to ask someone, guess, or lie. Or whatever. Luke will probably believe you.
If you DO have extra space (and say so, I'm not going to be paying attention) but tell Luke you don't want any more people in your cabin ANYWAY he's going to make faces at you, but you're more than welcome to argue with him =D
Anyway. Please comment in the subject line with which cabin you're answering for. More than one person can answer the door/show up! Luke likes meeting people. IT WOULD BE REALLY AWESOME IF I CAN GET ONE ANSWER FROM EVERY CABIN but if I don't. I'm gonna make it up. So hah.
Also, if you NEED a cabin and would like to be ICly assigned, talk to Luke and he will DO HIS VERY BEST TO HOOK YOU UP up to and including giving you his bed if he runs out.))