LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF CAMP F. YOU DIE Vash was loitering outside the church and when I told him to stop being a slacker and or hooligan it would seem we tripped over this little guy.
...which after being carefully disarmed we took as a sign that YES, CHILDREN, IT IS SPRING. Spring has sprung! Sad people in snow are sad people in snow no longer, but rather sad people in sunshine! People with hay fever beware for IT IS SPRING, or IT WILL BE SPRING ANYWAY, and the pollen will aggravate your delicate sinuses! Spring is a season of butterflies and cleaning and strawberries and cleaning and linen and cleaning!
Spring is also a good season for FLOWEEERS sorry Fletcher I nabbed some seeds from the greenhouse.
A new mission begins today, folks!
We are making the church grounds pretty.
((Image safe for work 8D Vash and Abel are going to magic up a flower garden, STAY TUNED.
EDIT@11 PM EST: Headed out now :D Will reply to threads tomorrow!))