Things I have learned over the past...three and a half hours since I awoke in my bed feeling distinctly cranky and with the bitter taste of not having brushed my teeth in two days in my mouth:
- It's dark out. Very dark. I, ah... Thought I was home! For a second. Not--not because of the dark but, I don't know, maybe I'd gone up north where it's night all day and...well. That clearly wasn't the case.
- It should be daytime! I saw a little glimmer of light behind the moon. Before the moon. Blotted out that glimmer of light. And. Got a face.
I. Should get rid of that bathroom window. It just--it wasn't conducive to the hygiene process.
- I like comfort food.
- I do not like my comfort food when it twitches.
- But I will eat it anyway.
- ...okay, so what's going on?
- Also line for apologies starts here. ♥