[the most mastubatory post ever please enjoy it]

May 11, 2007 21:56

Attention camp!

Single human female seeks ETERNAL RIVAL!!1! for purposes of battle!!1!, competition!!1! and otherwise challenging each other in a youthful manner. She is well-trained in Taijutsu and excellent at both close and long-range combat. I suppose she is fairly clever as well, and if you see so fit, you may see her to battle on the eternal battlefield of the mind.

You may be asking yourself, "why would I wish to be this girl's ETERNAL RIVAL!!11!?" Allow me to explain.

Behold that smile! It calls to your very soul, does it not?

So very youthful!

She has emotion in her heart!

And clearly a master of stealth.

Obviously applicants will be carefully screened to ensure that they will be nothing but beneficial to her youthful development, but please stop by if you are interested.

Never let it be said that Maito Gai does not see to perfection of the Spirit of Youth in his students~~~~

Except for maybe Tenten. She's youthful enough already I guess.

((Hooooookay, work in the mornin' so calling it quits. Will probably pick up tomorrow night if people are still interested.))
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