I can stay silent no longer. There is something the residents of Camp Fuck You Die must become aware of. That is, the state of the ninja.
If you don't see my point then let me remind you of this:
All you need to know is that ninjas can totally kill you without even thinking about it. In fact, ninjas are so lethal that it takes an enormous effort of will for them not to kill you. You are only alive because a ninja is trying very hard not to shoot a blow dart through your neck right this minute.*
Please, please be aware of this as you go about your daily business. Thank you, and have a nice day.
*It is important to note that certain ninja living in this camp do not need something as plebeian as darts to take you out. Some, such as my owner, can kill you with their eyes.
((OOC: Words in italics taken from
The State of the Ninja Slate article by Grady Hendrix))