[Day zero is ending. Again, you are somewhere out of hearing range. Not impressed by or oblivious of yesterday's events you have decided to leave save ... well, safer camp for some reason. Or maybe you are just at the wrong place at the wrong time?
In any case ...
Somebody has spotted you.]
((OOC: Second beast post! Tomorrow is the boss battle, so if you want to get chewed on - this is your last chance! Same as yesterday, the username is invisible, OOC info
here, the list of victims is
here. Comment there if you want to be added and be sure to inform me how far the beast can go. Stronger people can of course jump in and rescue people if necessary - just leave the Beast alive for tomorrow /o/ I'm also in IRC on ping as "Beast" for any questions, feedback or requests. Also, if you would prefer to have yesterday's thread continued instead of making a new one here, just poke me! Any incoherence is the fault of the free strawberry margharitas
EDIT: Thumbnailed the pic for more dial-up love :Db
EDIT II: Added some spoilerish info on the beast
here EDIT III: Really, really sorry but it's incredibly late on this part of the planet. I'll wrap up as good as I can, if something still is open I will try to get back to you tomorrow!))