What is the meaning of this? Why am I not featured in the list of main characters for
Disgaea 3? This is a grave error!
Although, come to think of it, why is a third game only being announced now, when we have been here dealing with its badly paced plot for months?
Furthermore, if the sequel takes place in a school setting--could it be that this camp is not a lame sequel after all?!
[[Disgaea can has trilogy. Also all your fourth wall are belong to us.
PS if you would like to play with Link, Stan, or Pallapalla make an OOC note or ping me in IRC and I will throw them at you.
EDIT so I forgot how to thread and probably won't remember how to again until tomorrow. also it's past my bedtime. feel free to start a new thread or mingle or whatever, i'll catch y'all later~]]