[so if you are wandering through camp tonight, you may notice not one but two. two princes! our slightly less flamboyant but still semi-evil one is chilling in a tree looking terribly bored. our other prince is looking somewhat less princely in his fishbowl getup. oh yeah he's also giving a random speech by said tree. hint: the tree is to BEES as this post is to CRACK. full of it.]
What a perfect subject you are, returning to your queen to report your success. But your misplaced loyalty and arrogance have already set the stage for your defeat.
I should have expected your kind to side with the Director. Your society's hive mentality makes the perfect alliance for one such as her. But your partnership is nearing its end. No longer will this camp allow her to fund her sadistic activities through the swollen profits of your honeyed investments. Nor shall its residents be intimidated by your numbers or cowardly suicide attacks. Your destruction shall commence tonight.
Then we shall see how this Director fares without her drones.
[OOC: both princes are cursed obviously and so very EBIL RAWR. anyway find more info on dark!Zero
here! READ THAT POST PLZ. and please come fight bees or get geassed to do things like fight bees. if you absolutely don't want to be geassed note this in your comment. DESTROY BEETANIA! also this is voice play for both of us so expect some lag]