Okay, so I don't think anyone specifically requested anything be changed about their character's names on here. THAT SAID! Please, please, please, if a character has used an alias and not their real name, pretend that is the name that you see on the list. This especially goes for the superheroes because a lot of them are very twitchy about their identities and it would be a nightmare going through the list (it was bad enough the first time).
So, just please be respectful of the other players. If they want to play around with ZOMIGOD SUDDEN LOST OF ANONYMITY! Let them be the ones to make that call. Otherwise, they're just as inconspicuous as they would normally be.
Also, I'll be running out the door to dinner in a few minutes, but I'll try to jump threads when I get back. Please thread amongst yourselves. This is for you guys... And Aviy is still a horrible horrible raepist.
Remember, this poll is IC only so characters voting on characters only!
I think that's all -- sorry for the long OOC on the front end. o/ Enjoy! EDIT: stepping out now. I'll be back! So how much was this raped while I was out? Edit 2.0: Night y'all. If anyone wants to pick up a thread with Rue tomorrow ping the hell out of me kay?))
Poll Poll T-Tapability t-take two T______T Poll W-we're almost done with the campers? COUNSELOR TIME!!!
Poll Unf unf unf unf unf~ ... Well, that was certainly quite expanded from what I had originally intended to post now wasn't it?