[ITP: General Loveless Fight Post

May 24, 2008 12:07

...I have been ordered to give a general explanation for the recent changes. Listen if you wish.

If you have ears and tail, you are a virgin. They are a natural trait for those of our world who have not yet had sexual occurrences.

Names printed on your body is a sign that you are part of a pair- a destined partner somewhere bears the same name as you. One Fighter, one Sacrifice. The Sacrifice commands and the Fighter obeys. And for those of you that weren't here the last time this happened, as a team you will be battling with magic and spell battles, using words to warp and manipulate a battle system reality. Your Fighter is the only one who can use spells and must use their skill and speed to protect his Sacrifice from receiving damage and restrictions. Sacrifices, you must command your Fighter appropriately. A strong pair knows their role and follows it completely. Fighters, it is your duty to submit yourself to the will of your Sacrifice- protect them with your lives and words. Sacrifice in turn must bear the pain of restrictions and command your Fighter. Fail in either and your team is weakened. Fight against your bond or your name and you will have no power. A battle ends when the Sacrifice of one team is completely restricted...or when they surrender or retreat. As for  how you sense another team? Well...

Expand battle systems.

Can you feel it now?

[ooc: Pairs will hear a ringing in their ears and a strong battle ...bubble? system from Soubi. Fight info here. Please place "We are [name goes here] C/S" in the subject line (depending on which you're open for: C for Crack, S for Serious), it'll be considered an open invitation for another group to start a fight if you're not already in a fight. Also, please place the same announcement at the beginning of each fight so other people who want to watch (OOCly or ICly) know there's a fight going on.  Soubi will be around-ish if you need something.  FEEL FREE TO MINGLE, OBSERVE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT. but fighting would be fun too. SOUBI IS OUT back. MINGLE]
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