(no subject)

May 25, 2008 02:49

[Today, Sensei is rather conspicuously wearing a wide, floppy peak cap and rather inconspicuously ranting and raving at camp at large.]

I'm in despair! This camp has put me firmly and irrevocably in despair! For such a venerable history of hard-hitting and dramatic happenstances, some that swelled with human tragedy and others that bubbled with laughter, for such a long and revered traditional of quality, for such an assortment of wild and exotic penguins, all to be sullied by this! For us to have sunk so low that we must resort, of all things, to pandering of the worst kind! Pandering to the moe-moe ear fetish crowd-- it has me in despair!

(( Edit: Computer problems and general zzz mean sensei will pick up all threads tomorrow.))
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