(no subject)

Jul 11, 2008 08:06

[Somewhere, in some high-traffic, visible area of camp, there stands a man. He is not a happy man, for he is attached to a rather impressive looking set of leg irons. Said leg irons are attached via heavy chain to a concrete pylon, all underneath a cheerful banner that proclaims, "Expand Your Horizons: Teach!"

It should be noted that every time the man complains -- and he does -- the chain gets shorter by one link. ]

Hey hey, don't you think this is going a little over--that wasn't a complaint!

[Ladd wants -- wants -- to teach you, yes you, to be assertive! Are you a silent hero? Ladd will give you demonstrations on speaking your mind! Tiny adorable Loli? He'll show you how to get in someone's face! If you've already got all the assertiveness you need, just showing up and demonstrating your skills, or trying to goad him into complaining, is good too (Capslock rage highly encouraged). It is also a good chance for Ladd to meet non-combative people, because there is absolutely no way he can start fights like this.]

((late intro is so laaaaaaaate; going to be glacially slow while I do this, but I should be around all day, so thank you for being patient with me. ♥ I'll try to hit everyone, but feel free to demonstrate your Skillz of Assertion on each other, in the meantime.))

((okay, thank you everyone, going to have to call it for the night; sorry if I missed you/didn't get back quickly, I was sort of jumping around. Will pick back up in the morning ♥ for playing with me~))
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