Jul 17, 2008 21:44
[IT'S POOL TIME, FOLKS. And if you haven't noticed, it's decked out with towels, chairs, umbrellas and floaty thingies! Raggedy looking umbrellas and floats, but we can only work with so much. IT'S A POOR MAN'S FANCY.
You'll also notice the boy man in a suit standing by the pool edge. He is waiting to serve you. Yes, YOU. Come abuse him.]
It's time to serve up some Justice!!
((MOSTLY DROPPING OFF FOR NOW but I'll pick up all threads tomorrow night and hopefully be quicker about it. :|b LATER GUYS ETA UH, MAKE THAT TOMORROW/SATURDAY NIGHT. orz sorry guys BACK but slow liek molasses. Just poke me if ya wanna pick up something o/))