Nov 06, 2008 12:59
[A message has been sent out to everyone's laptop, as well as spoken person to anyone within hearing distance of the firing range. Lassiter is efficient like that.]
Seeing as the number of fully functioning firearms has finally reached a number to which more than a handful of people can utilize, I will be giving lessons to anyone who wants them at the firing range. Considering some of the dangers of this location, I would recommend learning to shoot properly, so as to not cause unintentional damage to yourself and others.
I would mostly highly recommend stopping in to that invididual who nearly clipped me in the shoulder in trying to shoot a zombie this morning. Whoever you are, the first thing I would suggest to you is keeping your eyes open.
That is all.
[Okay, so my internet is slowly slowly dying and I think it's a hint after restarting my computer 4 times that I should take a break. I'll be back later to pick up new tags and old threads!]