Nov 15, 2008 18:21
[Yesterday you might have passed some strange things or noticed a few people acting weird, but today even if you missed them the first time around, you might see them again. Now however some of the beasts of the forest trail a line of black splotches around them, their bodies lined with red veins. Some of the monsters in the caves aren’t doing that well either, their forms slightly twisted and their eyes gleaming red. There are just some places in the woods where one can see a quick movement of what looks like a floating bit of ink before it goes out of sight
Is it really something you want to investigate?]
((ooc: for people that want to get infected by non-direct exposure, that option is wide open now, as are fights and getting data drained back to normal if you so choose! For the most part I’m assuming that people want to play amongst themselves, but if you need me to run your infection or be the little AIDA in the back of your head, (or if you want the password for the AIDA journal) Just hit us up at #hackaida or contact me at my email for all your questions or data-draining needs.
ETA 1: Yes this a general-purpose AIDA post. Get infected, have fights, socalize, have magical tea parties with your new shoulder-virus GO WILD
ETA 2: I think this was mentioned in Sakubo's information post but!
"and to your answers guys, yep you can fight it. if you have anything that "extracts" things aka the poor-man's exorcist you can beat it, otherwise there's the option of beating the crap out of the AIDA (if it isn't posessing someone) and if it takes enough damage it'll cut it's losses and run.
but the fight's always a bit of a hard time."))