*Domyoji just wanted to walk in the woods. But no, a squirrel had to cross his path and as he fled from the menacing beast he flailed into some trees, which kinda liked touching him inappropriately. Not you, Filif. Or. Was it. This ended up in him emerging from said forest
like this. He's infuriated, he's righteously indignant, and looks pretty ridiculous. This is an excellent opportunity to meet him. :Db Feel free to use this post for all of your bad luck needs; the wildlife and environment is feeling fanservicey tonight; you know you want to embarrass your character by giving your rival!!11 or secret love!!1! a panties shot*
((Links might not be safe for work if boy boobies are not safe for your work?
Edit: Ugh, my attention span has died. Will pick up threads later! ♥))