Dec 29, 2008 20:34
[Not quite in the Center of Camp but somewhere close by there is, gasp, a poor, helpless kitten that has somehow gotten itself stuck in a tree! How heartwrenching, how tragic, surely someone will save it? Indeed, a brave and courageous young woman does just that, using great speed and agility to ascend up the tree and gently scoop the cat up into her arms, gracefully landing on the ground seconds later. But who, you ask, could be so noble, so compassionate, so virtuous as to perform this archetypical act of kindness? Why, it's...
... oh dear god it's Kodachi Kuno? Uh. Yes. Yes it is, and she is now fawning over the cute animal as well. ... yeaaaaaah. If you know just how surreal a sight this really kind of is, please, feel free to come and be terrified. And if not, come and get a completely off-base first impression anyway!]
Oh, you poor dear, you really should be more careful! I know it must be instinct to climb up such things, but what if you got hurt, hmm? Mm, perhaps if you had a nice home to stay in. ... I'd volunteer my own, but I've still got to disable those awful traps that are all over the place...
((... yeah, Kodachi got her personality/alignment switched in the Deck of Many Things post and is presently a nice, caring, innocent, virtuous maiden and not a crazy harpie at all. I. I regret nothing.))