(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 22:26

[here there is a lonely table. with a cooler full of punch. and a small sign that says 'congratulations!']

Oh, what did I win?? I accept! I accept the award!

Ha ha ha, don't be ridiculous! It's obviously for me~.

It doesn't say who it's for at all! It's probably for everyone, for some achievement we've all managed!

While the reasons for the celebration may be... dubious, the punch is completely harmless, at least...

Wh--AUGH, no it's not! It's completely disgusting!

I'm not sure drinking something left out in the open is the best idea...

Kids will be kids... You shouldn't worry your cute little head over it.

C-Cute little...?!

((it's a dehiatus post for Sealand/Shuri/Ayaka/Yue/Kinon/Chie 8|b I will play them all as I see fit unless you tell me otherwise. Kristoph will have his own post laters. come have some gross punch IDK JUST PLAY WITH ME I MISSED CFUD.))
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