[Hey camp! Remember the time you had a mushi infestation? Well, it's back ... sort of.
Over the past couple of days, you may have noticed tiny clusters of
glowing snails here and there. They mostly like to live inside trees and caves, but lately, they've been turning up in more high-activity places in camp. Inside cabins. On the roof of your buildings. There's even a particularly brave cluster right in the middle of camp.
They're rather pretty. But don't get too close -- your ears won't like it.]
[Where is Ginko during all of this? ... nowhere to be found. But there is a young white-haired boy walking around, occasionally staring up at the snail-clusters.]
(( OOC: Mushi event numbah two! Schedule + delicious info can be found
here. Basically: magical snails make you go deaf. ETA: Please note whether you want one or both ears affected! Or none, if you're just here to watch. ))