[It seems a normal Sunday in camp, or so you might think until you open your laptop and find that a video player has opened itself up on your computer and now seems to be taking up your entire screen. This is what it plays:]
Is this thing on? Is it-hello? Oh! It's working! Awesome! I mean-
Mooahahahahaaaah! Welcome, pitiful denizens of Camp Fuck You Die. It is I, Dr. Horrible, bringing you the first ever live broadcast of Camp's Official Video Blog of Evil.
We-would have started earlier but there was an issue with the gorillas and their um-their matings habits and. Anyway. The fact of the matter is this place is a dump.
There's muck and superheroes everywhere and I think that tree just winked at me. But not to worry. From here on out, the business of Camp Fuck You Die's video blogging will be in the right hands. my hands. So tremble in fear, all you campers and counselors, for evil is now upon you!
((Belated intro post or most belated intro post? Please assume all replies are typed! Dr. Horrible will respond to your typed comments via video blog because he's just that cool. Stats and permission can be found
here. I am also workninja so if you have questions I am on AIM and Gchat as Vulchu o/ ETA: Mysteriously losing steam. Pausing for a dinner break but I will be back!))