[once again, you might notice someone holding an animated conversation at the edge of the woods]
[depending on ~the purity of your heart~, that person is either seemingly crazy and talking to himself, or speaking to
a pair of unicorns]
There are two of you, now? That's brilliant! Well... not brilliant, really, because you're trapped here as well, but I'm delighted to see you. I wish I had a way to get you back home, but that'll do no good until I can do the same for myself.
((Another unicorn post! Since apparently people like unicorns. Or making fun of me. Anyway, if your character is 'pure of heart', you can see the unicorns! Whether or not they are is entirely up to you. It's also likely those with spiritual power or who are sensitive to magic may be able to see them as well. You decide, it's pretty flexible.))