Nov 22, 2009 19:49
Olivia stretched wantonly on the sofa bed, her over-sized and fungi-riddled feet knocking her only friend -- a small cat named Alexander who hated her and wished fervently to run away and join the circus -- off the cushions and on to the floor. The cat hissed, but Olivia cared not, for she was very busy writing terrible fanfiction in an effort to legitimately pad her NaNoWriMo entry's word count up tenfold.
This really isn't much of a challenge, Shigure. Fifty thousand words in thirty days? I'm sure we can reach that number by the end of tonight.
((Your character is totally more than welcome to a) be horrified at the abuse of the sacred NaNo-ing, b) post excerpts from their own stories or terrible Team Edward fanfictions, or c) why are Shigure and Neuro working together THEIR COMBINED POWERS WOULD BE...!!!???))
((I HAVE BEEN SIDETRACKED worrying about a friend. DO CARRY ON I will pick up threads between breaks.))