Nov 22, 2009 19:43
[At this very moment, the Pie-Maker was nestled behind a table out in the snow. Although the Pie-Maker would later reflect on the irony of putting him out in the cold for a task that facilitated warmth amongst people, right now all he could think was,]
Damn, it's cold. Uh. I mean. Hello. Or, uh, Guten Tag?
[For, behind the Pie-Maker (and slightly above) was a banner that read: World Hello Day: Say Bonjour to pie and new friends. The Pie-Maker, at that moment, could have come up with other French words to pardon, and none of them "hello".]
((Oouf, I wasn't expecting two pages XD But as it is, both Ned and Chuck are out. Ned is traveling all day Monday PST and Chuck is busy, so if we come back to the post it will be Tuesdayish or later!))