(no subject)

Nov 25, 2009 22:54

[on your computer screens is suddenly flashing this following notice]

A handy notice from your friendly neighborhood network administrator!

Number 1: If the network is screwing up more than usual it's because I'm kicking its ass. Again. Don't be alarmed; it's only temporary! If you have any complaints about the downtime direct them to my alphamalesyndrm goddamnbadman

Numero 2: I just put in the beta version of an interactive help program for all your questions and troubleshooting when I can't be found. I call him mini-me! To activate him just say "Help me Harper; you're my only hope!" Or you could just type in /run Mini-me but where's the fun in that?

Harper out!

((Most replies will be typed and/or the interactive "mini-me" which he's programmed to talk and act like himself... more or less. It'll appear as a hologram and/or a slightly staticy image on screens. Vegeta will be around in person and Tyr will be about online to respond to "complaints" also

Edit: I overestimated my wakefulness. Will pick up tomorrow!))
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