ITP: forced socialization

Mar 13, 2010 20:39

[In the middle of camp there is a statue! At first glance it might look a little like the Statue of Liberty but it's actually a giant Chatty Cathy doll. And it's talking:

"Bring me your anti-social, your terminally shy, your silent masses yearning to break free, your overbearing egotists that cram your golden walls - send these, the ones who would be social made, and I shall light their way onto the social mores!"

As if that wasn't bad enough, there are people tied to the base, and they look none too pleased with it. In fact, the man looks downright murderous. The girl, on the other hand, looks very confused. Obviously you should come and mock]

((Characters that might fit in with the doll's spiel can find themselves tied to the doll until they socialize, in a civil manner, but also feel free to come and mock Snape and Mio

Edit: Mio and Snape are both mostly out and will pick up tomorrow!))
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