(no subject)

May 07, 2010 01:59

[so. it's dark. it's, like, permanently dark in camp, at least until the power gets fixed. the only good news to be given is that an ample supply of flashlights, candles, blankets, and batteries have suddenly appeared beneath the Loudspeaker in the ~* Center of Camp *~. making your way to the emergency supplies may prove to be a touch difficult, however, considering it's a) midnight b) pitch-black through out camp c) the zombies have decided wandering around the camp and grabbing random residents in the dark would be Super Great Awesome Fun tonight. but who knows, maybe some of the nicer campers and counselors will be up to acting as guides, or maybe some mischief-makers will use this time to pull a few pranks. anything goes tonight! the darkness can make anyone anonymous.

have fun and mingle until tomorrow, kids.]
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