Mar 17, 2011 16:01
And a happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you campers and counselors out there! Gosh, and we missed Pi day as well! That was my grandmamma's favorite holiday, 'cause she'd always find fun new ways to bury presents in the pie that we could then deliver to my Uncle Franz! So all of us here thought we could combine the two and have ourselves a good, family friendly time!
'Course, y'all will have to visit your alcohol establishment of choice if you wanna celebrate like some people do and then completely forget about what happened just like those good ol' Vegas days, but for the rest of us, we've got a nice little shindig going today in the mess hall! So stop on by, y'all!
[TODAY IN THE MESS HALL: it's green. Everything is green. Shamrock and "π" decorations hang from the ceiling, streamers and the like are plastered along the walls, and everything in general is very festive and very green. The pies, which line several tables and appear to be several different varieties, are all somehow green. The sparkling apple cider? Green. Everything is decidedly non-alcoholic (and decaffeinated), but there seems to be no end to it.]
[ONCE AGAIN - camp holiday party. This will also double as the weekly "abuse this for counseling as you please" post! Your challenge for this post is to tag at least one character you haven't played with before. I (Juri) will be tagging around a bit with one of mine as well. ♥]