Howdy there, campers and counselors! Summer time's comin' up, which means we're in season again! Unfortunately, some of y'all have been slackin' a little on the job front. Now, I know how hard it can be in this rough ecnowhatsit, and payment can be somethin' of a bummer! Look at me, I'm only gettin' cupcakes and party favors like this kazoo here!
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D --> I do not make much of a habit out of e%cursions into the well-pop001ated common meeting areas
D --> That is probably why we have not %ed paths
D --> I have been faring as well as possibull in recent times, though
D --> I must admit that it was not my intention to leave the hive and commune today
D --> I am quite capabull of handling these events on my own
D --> There have been many events taking place here and plans being set into a%ion that should either not be considered irreg001ar behoovior
D --> Or should not even be considered for a troll of my b100d and those of higher b100d than I
D --> And yet they are happening regardless and the rea%ions to them are rather the opposite of what they should be
D --> I should not be speaking of it at all, this is 100di% and uncalled for
D --> I am being steered down the path of depravity and it is most infuriating
D --> Please e%cuse me, I need to dry off a bit
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