[CONTINUATIONS FOR DIGGING AROUND YOUR CHARACTER'S SUBCONSCIOUS SEE LINK FOR EXPLANATION but you guys know what you're doing. Again, ping Elliot on IRC if you have any concerns!]
[if there is something difficult, it's coming into a human mind. somehow, he had taken to it gracefully, and only because the world had been presented to him when there were no memories. there's a part of him that remains inhuman.
it isn't much, but the darkness is comforting. it's quiet, loving and without judgment, joy or anger. there's nothing but silence and stillness. this, perhaps, is what death would be like. but it doesn't really seem to matter, because it's nice here in lifelessness. gentle, accepting, and enveloped in it.]
[there is a part of him that is struck with understanding the moment he sets his foot down.
he's been here before. he wasn't alone then, or was he? no, he wasn't; Dumbledore answered that question nicely the last weekend. but how was he here again? or even further, did it really matter at this point?]
[the fear and anguish come like a jolt, but it feels very foreign. however, something in the human heart might yearn for it.
a ripple moves through the darkness, and suddenly begins to become spotted with stars. up ahead, there's a familiar figure standing ahead, his hands behind his back.]
Hey, you recognize me. [there's a quiet laugh.] Did you, when you arrived?
[he sounds a little surprised, but comforted.
in front of him is a towering beast with two heads. it stands on all fours, hideous and frightening. its head flat and horned, accompanied by red, glowing eyes. a vicious grin is painted in jagged teeth across its face. as it moves the shadows shift, and its bones protrude beneath whatever keeps it together. it moves like a sick animal, shrieking in pain. its hand, human in nature, reaches out toward them. however, it can't quite reach. it's as if it's hitting an invisible wall.]
it isn't much, but the darkness is comforting. it's quiet, loving and without judgment, joy or anger. there's nothing but silence and stillness. this, perhaps, is what death would be like. but it doesn't really seem to matter, because it's nice here in lifelessness. gentle, accepting, and enveloped in it.]
he's been here before. he wasn't alone then, or was he? no, he wasn't; Dumbledore answered that question nicely the last weekend. but how was he here again? or even further, did it really matter at this point?]
Is anyone here with me?
a ripple moves through the darkness, and suddenly begins to become spotted with stars. up ahead, there's a familiar figure standing ahead, his hands behind his back.]
[he sounds a little surprised, but comforted.
in front of him is a towering beast with two heads. it stands on all fours, hideous and frightening. its head flat and horned, accompanied by red, glowing eyes. a vicious grin is painted in jagged teeth across its face. as it moves the shadows shift, and its bones protrude beneath whatever keeps it together. it moves like a sick animal, shrieking in pain. its hand, human in nature, reaches out toward them. however, it can't quite reach. it's as if it's hitting an invisible wall.]
[the beast begins to pace in front of them, frustrated]
[the hand of the beast comes flat up against the invisible wall]
You're not afraid?
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