[Suddenly, musicians can be heard jamming inside the barn with the… festive looking banner strung up above it.]
[Not like it seems to bother the people inside the barn, namely a fourteen year old on turn-tables, a skeleton on the piano and Mickey Mouse on the guitar leading a whole band of farmland animals dressed like the Blues Brothers, all of them collaborating to create music magic... even if Dave keeps interrupting with
inappropriately booty-quaking beats.]
”Nnnot really what I’m goin’ for here. Dave.”
”For shame master Mickey- it is a gentlemans duty to 'go' for a lady in such clear need of assistance~!”
”… And that’s why ya shouldn’t listen to Brook Dave, he’s a bad influence.”
”got it double-m
clenching these virginal hearholes tighter than my ectosiblings grip on the stick up-”
”-Let’s just take it from the top again...”
[Interrupt, join in the jam, partake of the cake shaped like a
very disturbinglooking puppet - with Mickey Ears on it. The choice is yours.
[OOC: Delayed combined birthday post for Mickey Mouse and one-year anniversary for Dave Strider, because I’m terrible like that. Enjoy and mingle!
ETA: Getting to be very late for me, so calling it a night! I shall return tomorrow for more!]