(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 01:06

One more round after this! And we're gonna revisit the remaining dup app from before. o/

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Sawa Rakan
Series: Silver Diamond
Age: 17

Canon: Silver Diamond is one of those epic, "the fate of the world is on your shoulders" stories that involve a small but ever growing band of friends who set out to save a cast of thousands!!1 from unmitigated evil, and somehow uncover the truth about their own troubled pasts along the way. It's a modern reality/romantic fantasy story with plenty of interesting characters of all shapes and sizes to spice things up. So if you know your manga history. . . it's Fushigi Yuugi without the girls.

Sawa Rakan is the protagonist, a well-meaning "normal" boy who is thrown into another world. There he learns that he's what's known as a Sanome: someone with the ability to make otherworld plants grow to their full size and strength. This is a more useful ability than it might seem, because all complex technology is actually derived from simple plants, not to mention that the land has recently become a total desert plagued with life-sucking monsters. So even the regular flowers and trees need some help. Powers aside, he's a decent boy with a deep sense of right and wrong but an almost overly trusting heart. He's determined and passionate in the face of injustice, but left to his own devices he'd much rather do household work and take care of his friends than fight. Sometimes he finds new experiences a little bit exciting, but too much and he goes into "total escapist mode," rejecting your reality and substituting his own dull lists of chores until he can cope again.

At the age of seventeen I've already become a world traveler, and very literally too. You'd think that in my situation questions like "where am I?" would become so commonplace that I'd stop stressing about them... but I think I'm allowed to worry when I'm suddenly moved from a desert into a jungle with no warning! Even though I know this really shouldn't be too much of a stretch. Once you've accepted the fact that there's a whole new world and that's where you'll be (if you fall through a magic portal), it can't be hard to believe there could be more than two connected places.

Anyway I'm definitely not back home again. If anything, this place has too many plants. Even the water's green! And my Japan doesn't have such interesting trees. Some of these are growing clothing. Would it be alright to call the stockings "garden hose"? Maybe that's too punny... I wonder if there are people here, or if I'm all alone in a strange world that just happens to have flowers that look like underwear. Oh finally, here's someone at last.

No, wait, that's a giant purple monkey.

Giant purple monkey? No, I should calm down, it doesn't seem dangerous. Actually, it's not even interested in me. It looks like all it wanted was to lie down in the shade. It must be hot even in winter with all that fur. And I guess that answers the question about where a two-ton gorilla sits, doesn't it? No, don't shake the tree, Purple-san. There's no fruit for you here! Unless you wanted the underwear.. to wear... I-is this pollination? Well whatever it is it's is obviously a very private moment, so I'll leave now!

Augh, I think the images have been burned into my retinas. I need a distraction, so I'll go gather supplies! I'll need those if I'm going to be here for a while. Fortunately, there ought to be plenty of edible things here, and I'm by myself this time so I don't need that much food. I could probably eat a peach for hours. Plus if I gather wood, I can make a nice big fire. Then I'll boil the water before I drink it and use it to cook too! The further I walk the more this looks like swampland, which is good. There ought to be lily pads, if I saute them for long enough the whole plant should be edible. And maybe there's crayfish or something in the water, and I can fry some of them too. I don't want to waste anything, so maybe I can put them both together in their own broth?

I'll call it two-saute soup. It should be delicious!

Poll Vote!

Character: Gary Oak
Series: Pokemon
Character Age: 10
Canon: Most of Ash Ketchum's rivals can be described in one word, and for Gary, that word is "jerk". He's the kind of guy who you drive by and think "man... that kid's a jerk." He fulfills the stereotype by riding around in a red convertible with peppy cheerleaders and patronizing all other trainers with a nasally voice and cocky sneer. He spends his time ensuring he's better than everyone else by being excessive in his accomplishments and bragging about them, especially to Ash. Though he acts like Ash is an insignificant bother, he privately carries around a half PokeBall, a memento of the moment they became bound together in the sacred institution of rivalry.

Sample Post: This new area stinks! Just last week I caught 30 powerful new Pokemon, but in this place I haven't found even a single one yet! I'll have to come up with something else... there's no telling when Ashy-boy will pop up and I can't just show him my ten badges again. He's always following me around, he's so jealous of what a great trainer I am! I don't know why grandpa gives him so much attention... or spends so much time at Ash's mom's house.

That Ashy-boy is such a loser. Once a loser, always a loser! I bet he's doing something loser-y right now. If only more people could know what a loser he is. I don't know how he ended up with people following him around for free. They're likely a bunch of losers too! Losers of a feather... well anyways, I'm here and Ash is still a loser no matter what's going on. If Ash hasn't given up his hopeless Pokemon journey and run home to his mom yet, then I bet he'll follow me here. I'll just have to warn the locals of Ash's loserdom. Heh, it looks like there's enough room left on this sign to add something...

Poll Vote!

Character: Hibari Kyoya
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Character Age: Looks about 15-16
Canon: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is a series that follows one Sawada Tsunayoshi. Tsuna, the only remaining heir, is chosen to become the boss of the Vongola, a very influential Italian Mafia. Naturally, he is reluctant, but his new home tutor, the infant hitman Reborn!, does not seem to give him a choice. Eventually, a few of his schoolmates and other people get pulled in as Guardians -not unlike the Vongola's own elite squad of Power Rangers- and these Guardians, all given their own weather and attribute, protect the Family in their own way.

Hibari Kyoya is the Vongola Guardian of the Cloud. The Cloud is supposed to be the aloof Guardian who protects the Family from an individual standpoint, and Hibari definitely fits the bill. With a bizarre hatred for crowds -mingling, as he calls it- Hibari fights only alone (yet ironically, he leads a whole committee of delinquents that maintain Order in his school). Everything about him is bizarre -from his loyalty to his school, to his affinity for cute animals, and then to his ability to continue fighting after every bone in his body is broken. His words are sharp, yet polite, and his catchphrases are 'bite to death' and 'wao'.. He is arrogant, though able to show for it, and has a strong will. He does not accept failure either mentally and physically and thus will keep coming at you until you're down. Save for school and fighting, he is indifferent to everything.

What's this? Why is there an unruly mess of a camp sitting on the land designated for Namimori International? I won't stand for this. But since you herbivores have already set up what appear to be Camp facilities -I simply cannot waste them.

This is now Camp Namimori. And I give you all two options:
1. Enroll as a student of Namimori.
2. Get out.

Choose Option One, and you will be put under my Order, my discipline, and my rules. Choose Option Two, and ...hunting you down will be quite the thrill. You have five seconds to produce an answer. I'll leave you to your decision. ....Still here? Well then, expect big changes to this filthy Camp. Namimori has standards, and those standards will be met. The buildings in this camp are weathered and damaged. They are an insult to the Namimori name. To accommodate for repairs, a school fee of ¥10,000 will be charged every month. A rental fee for the cabins will be charged as well. This applies to every single one of you, whether or not you have a cabin. Failure to comply will earn you a swift biting to death. I take no excuse.

There are herbivores here who refuse to die no matter how many times you kill them. They travel in groups to terrorise campers and litter the ground with their broken limbs. I will allow no part of Namimori to be treated with such disrespect. These herbivores are a threat to the discipline of Namimori and must be eliminated immediately. A Disciplinary Committee will be set up to deal with not only them, but any other person with a death wish big enough to disrupt my Order. The committee, in question, will consist of those I deem most disciplined, strong, and obedient. I am using one building here as Committee Headquarters and I expect the occupants of that building to evacuate by the time I get there. Unless you want to die, of course.

As of now, the Namimori Dress Code will be enforced. All campers must wear a uniform regardless of the temperature or event. The uniform will be that of Namimori High, and I expect everyone of you to attain a set by the end of this week. Additionally, no irregularly-shaped eyebrows are permitted. No dyed-hair or unnecessary accessories. No piercings or tattoos of any sort. They all serve as eyesores.

Objection to the above will be seen as defiance and dealt with. Even if you come in numbers, the result will not differ. I'll take you down collectively, like cornered rats.

Poll Vote!

Character: Tycho Science
Series: Top o Nerae 2! Diebuster
Character Age: About 15

Canon: When space monsters attack the galaxy, what is humanity to do? If you're Gainax, the answer is obvious: get a bunch of kids to fight them with giant robots! In Diebuster, these giant robots are called Buster Machines, and the only ones who can pilot them are a specially-skilled group of youths coined with the name "Topless." Our heroine, Nono, is a not-quite-so-giant and rather more humanlike robot girl whose dream to become a space pilot takes her to the organization Topless, the Fraternity.

There she meets headstrong, impulsive Tycho. Once an bright-eyed child who believed she had limitless potential as a Topless, Tycho was struck by tragedy that her special powers couldn't prevent. She grew up into a snarky teenager with a brash temper and a deep cynicism for the world's dependence on the Topless. But somewhere underneath, she still has a caring soul and a desire to protect others. With a little help from our robot Jesus and a lot of self-realization, she comes to believe once again in all the good that her powers are capable of.

Sample Post:

Ugh, pleeee~ze. Talk about doing it wrong! So you say you want to become Topless. Do you dolts even know what being a Topless means? It means being awesome enough to pilot a Buster Machine, and you know what you need for that? This thing called limb coordination. And with the way you just threw your torsos about three meters away from your legs? I don't think that's going to be working out for you a-ny-time soon. But hey, if that's the kind of "topless" you'd rather be, it's okay by me. Ho hum, no big loss. Even if you had the potential, what points would the Fraternity give me for recruiting failures like you? Have fun running around in pieces while I'm out defending the Solar System.

Hey, I hear those footsteps! I said "see ya," and that doesn't mean "follow me." You had your chance, and you lost it along with your ability to stay in one piece, oka--aaaaaaaay?! What the heck! You... reassembled yourselves! Now, that's a different story. A skill like that could really come in handy in one of those explosions you'll risk getting caught in if you join us.

That's right, I'm giving you another chance. But speaking of explosions and danger! There's way more to being a Topless than good motor skills. Joining the elite takes the bravery and willpower to fight gigantic, nasty monsters in the cold reaches of space! You guys ever been out by Titan? You know, the moon? Yeah, I didn't think so. So okay, take the lake monster you call Marcy -- the one everyone's terrified of. Imagine, oh, a few thousand of her, each maybe twice as big and with twice as many arms, too. Now imagine you can't get away from them just by keeping a safe distance from some piddly little lake. You know what you'd have to do then.

Pretty scary, huh? I bet you're wondering, what gives you the bravery to face all that? Well, that's where you have to remember what being a Topless is really all about. We want to save people as many people as we can, to protect and preserve humanity. That's what drives us. Do you have that wish?

Wow, talk about a quick answer! I've never seen so many heads nodding in unison before. And... oh, a jar of strawberry jam? For me? Hehe, all I did was talk; you didn't have to give me a thank-you present yet...

Wait. Hold up a second. This label doesn't say strawberry jam, it says...


Okay, sorry, guys. I forgave you for misinterpreting "Topless," but your definition of "preserving humanity" is not going to cut it with the Fraternity.

Poll Vote!

Character: Japan, codename wa Sailor V Honda Kiku
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character Age: looks about 18-19, but will never ever tell you his real age.
Canon: Welcome to Axis Powers Hetalia, the webcomic/manga/anime series where your history is moe and so are the anthropomorpic nations! Take a seat, grab some popcorn, and prepare to love history again as the series details and makes fun of exactly what happens when everyone takes advantage of China, when Lithuania decides to outsource in America, or when Japan decides to join forces with Italy and Germany and attempt to win a war against pretty much everyone else, which we all know went down very well. But instead of focusing on the main character (Italy) or the person that yells a lot at him (Germany), it's time to put the spotlight on that quiet little Asian with the awesome sword-- Japan, of course!

Japan seems to be quite stand-offish to most everyone, to the point where he has been known to shut himself in his house for hundreds of years at a time. Sure, people are nice, but to Japan, he'd rather talk in circles with them. This is because he has this unfortunate habit of being rather passive-aggressive. As roundabout and non-confrontational as he can be, if he absolutely has to, Japan can and will kick some ass-- albeit in a quick, efficient, no-nonsense method. He also has some weird hobbies and customs, all of which are perfectly okay in his own mind, but what could you expect from a country who's mostly kept to himself? Japan also has a rigid code of honour, and if he proves useless or not-quite-victorious, he may attempt to become an hero. He also has a strange love of anything cute and is awesome with both computer and automotive technology and stuff like that.

A good note to keep in mind, also, is that the harakiri mentioned in the sample post is, well, death by self-administered disembowelment. Fun.

Sample Post:

This isn't the right place for the G8 summit... is it? It's not bad, but, um, I wasn't really expecting this. For one, there are tentacles coming from that lake... they must be there to pleasure the guests in their leisure time. Did America-san find it necessary to borrow another idea of mine? Not that I mind, though he should leave things like this to those with more experience... it can be a bit difficult for newcomers to get the atmosphere right for this. The lake isn't supposed to be glowing, for one, and perhaps he should use younger people for the staff. Those people don't look very cute or young-- uhm, and their legs are falling off.

So is it a radioactive lake...? That would explain the mutants and the large tentacles. If that is the case, then I can see that pollution is a serious problem. However, I don't think robots in space could fix that lake. ... I take that back. Maybe it could work. After all, perhaps if there's a super-concentrated freezing ray, it might reduce some of the global warming, and perhaps a UVA and UVB negation ray may help with the ozone layer. As for the lake, speeding up the radioactive decay process could work.... That can be developed in our labs, but I will have to ask my scientists to move the square watermelons and hold the study on florigens elsewhere. After all, this is for the good of my people... they should understand. I also have that project with Germany-san concerning those hybrid automotives. I cannot reveal the technology behind this all just yet, but the models of these cars should be sufficient for now, which I can sell in limited editions. Perhaps I can make an exclusive Hello Kitty version....

... Oh, no, I think I understand now. This is a movie set, correct? So those must be zombies, not mutants. Well, they're cute in a way if you squint; they don't look that harmless. Perhaps they simply want to hug someone before their limbs all fall off? Though they might also need their legs.... On second thought, perhaps they could hop instead, like rabbits. Yes, like that one is-- it really should growl less. It looks realistic, but I don't think that their skin is supposed to tear off like that, either. I should know, of course, with my own experience in these sorts of films... but the decomposing skin could be an interesting addition, I suppose.

I must thank America-san for allowing me to see the progress on his movie. It looks... promising. I should attend to some business of my own, though. I'll leave a note of gratitude for him with this woman-- she calls herself the director. And she's informed me that I cannot leave because I killed... her fiancee. So... I've been taken captive? But I don't think I killed your fiancee, I'm sorry.... Ah, no, I see-- I've been tricked by this director. The fault is on me for this. I've shamed myself and my people by falling into a trap.

So... thank you for your, um, hospitality. But please do not try to stop me in the middle of this ritual. Harakiri is the only way I can rectify this now....

Poll Vote!

Character: Kanda Yū
Series: D.Gray-man
Character Age: 18

Canon: At the end of the nineteenth century, humankind is facing imminent doom at the hands of the Millenium Earl and the Vatican is doing its best to stand in his way. With its organization, the Black Order, Exorcists are sent out to fight the Earl and his minions. While this would normally prove to be a task too great for ordinary humans, the Exorcists have the ability to wield weapons made of Innocence, an ancient and divine substance, which gives them that extra boost of badassery. But even with this mysterious power, it's still going to be a long, hard battle.

Kanda, one of the Exorcists, is rude, abrasive, and pretty much hates everyone and everything. He wants nothing more than to do his job and be left alone. Unafraid to speak his mind, he has no problem telling you you're being annoying and to shut up and go away before he kills you. But despite the fact that he's a raging dick, he's still loyal to his job, his purpose and his friends, although you'd just as soon catch him dead than hear him call them that.

Sample Post:

When HQ told me they were sending me to America, they didn't mention how much of a dump this town was going to be. I've been to some pretty terrible places in my time, but this? This is just downright disgusting. The stench of rot and death is almost overwhelming. The name seems somewhat appropriate, at least, but that doesn't change the fact that there are going to be words exchanged when I get back. And by "words" I mean death threats.

Whoever built this place was either seriously daft in the head, or just plain sick, though. The barbed wire and rundown cabins make it look like a prison camp more than anything else. It's like they weren't even trying to hide the fact that this whole place screams bad news. And the decor definitely leaves something to be desired, too. I really could have lived the rest of my life without seeing painted portraits of whatever that thing is in the lake doing . . . whatever the hell it's doing to what I would imagine are hapless victims. Not that I care. It's probably their own fault for getting caught, anyway. But if the Earl is behind it, he's really losing his touch.

Still, as long as I'm here, I'm going to do my job. Besides, the faster I can complete my mission, the faster I can get the hell out. That tree with the creepy, slithering vines looks like it's been eying me for the past ten minutes and I don't want the smell of this place to stick to my hair, let alone my uniform. Might as well ask the . . . locals to see if there's any information I can learn before I dispatch them. Seriously, who fills a town with zombies?

Hey! You undead wastes of space over there. I've got a few questions I need answered, so you're going to tell me what I need to know. If you do? I'll be nice and just break your legs. If you don't? I'm going to cut you into little pieces. It's really just that simple. --Oh, and by the way? Don't touch the hair. The next one of you that tries gets a sword through the eye, because I'm just that nice.

So let's get started, shall we?

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