oh god why is it so early. NEXT ROUND, apps are closed, etc etc.
- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. Closed!
Character Name: Shihoudani Yuujirou
Character Age: 16
Princess Princess Canon: At the all-boys Fujimori Academy, there is a very, very special extracurricular activity. To cheer up the male student body desperately craving the sight of some beautiful girls, the most femininely featured first-years are chosen as Princesses. It's their job to dress in convincing drag to cheer on their classmates at events, put on plays and music concerts, leave lipstick marks as prizes... and so on. In exchange for their pride as men, Princesses are given celebrity status in the school. They've got special treatment, private accommodations, and legions of fans at their beck and call.
Shihoudani Yuujirou is one of three Princesses in his year, and he's the one who took to it easiest. With his long, luxurious hair, there's no need for him to wear a wig... or even dress up at all to look like a girl (though if you mistake him as one when he’s not trying he’ll chew you out). He's beautiful and appropriately vain, and he's a natural at faking the personality of a princess and cheering on the boys~! When he's not in character he’s still a bold personality. He's relentless and abrasive, tormenting his friends and insulting his enemies, though he's really a nice enough guy with a good sense of humor. If you’re privileged, maybe you’ll see the glimmers of dere... but probably not. (Note! PriPri can be a bit meta at times, pointing out 'panels' IC, etc.)
Sample Post:
All right, campers! Let's do our best today, too! Day 5 of captivity is just one more day closer to our eventual freedom from the tower dungeons! Isn't that an exciting thought? To cheer everyone up, I've got a special Princess performance for you all. It's a medley of some of my favorite songs! Music, please:
I need a hero! I’m holding out for a hero till the morning light...
S.O.S. please, someone help me, it's not healthy for me to feel this way...
You've got me begging you for mercy, why won't you release me...?
I'm sorry, but this show has to be kept at max volume, even if your ears... oh god, they really are falling off. All right, show's over!
...Dammit, what the hell am I doing...?! The first couple of days were a cute prank, but at day 5 I have to wonder if I’ll ever see the light of day again. It's a trap! Don't these asshole pervs know that I'm not even a girl?! If it's a co-ed camp with this many celebrities stuck in it, you may as well kidnap a real princess instead of settling for a guy in a dress and tiara. I think someone has some deep-set issues! And I don't even want to know how long these other prisoners have been here. This must be what it's like when you kidnap a bunch of sweaty guys and lock them up without deodorant or showers for too long. It's like living in a nightmare...
It's a little too realistic for a nightmare, though. But seriously, why would anyone bother? It's a conspiracy! Maybe someone's just jealous I'm pretty enough to be a Princess and they're not, and they're trying to rob me of my natural beauty and turn me into one of them. The evils of envy! I'm an innocent victim! I'll wither away in this tower until all of my hair falls out, and with my dying breath I can only sigh in despair, sooooooooap. Brains? Who cares about brains when you smell like a month-old trashcan? Eventually they'll find my body and try to identify it, and they'll say, "No, it can't be Yuu-chan! He would never be so ugly!" This guy's composed the perfect crime, and there's nothing I can do about it! I've already gone insane enough to talk to myself for two paragraphs... Hahaha. I'm doomed. If only I could raise enough ransom money to pay my way to freedom...
--Hooooold~ on a minute, everyone! The show may be over, but I've got a special announcement to make! The Princesses are holding a special event fundraiser! "Damsel in Distress: Who Will Free the Helpless Princess from Captivity?!" Let's do our best to raise enough money to appease our evil captors! The one who donates the most money will get a special camp-themed photo with your favorite princess Yuu-chan in costume! Alternatively, for those of you low on cash, if you can figure out a way to break your princess free from the dungeons, you too could be a winner! Ready~? Let's go!
Poll Vote! Character: Atsuro Kihara
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil SurvivorCharacter Age: 17
Canon: Tokyo is having another bad day. The heart of the city is under complete government lockdown, demons are wandering the streets, a strange cult won't stop preaching about "God's ordeal," riots are on the rise -- and every person within the lockdown is scheduled to die in seven days. For a trio of high school students stuck inside, however, they may have one hope at survival -- their COMPs, handheld electronic devices that offer two things when booted up. First, the Demon Summoning Program, allowing them to call demons of their own and fight on equal terms, and second, a message: "Peaceful days are over. Let's survive."
Atsuro is the main character's friend and sidekick, a good-natured hacker, self-admitted internet addict, and the group's resident smart guy. Although he's not immune to freaking out at times and he admits he's very afraid of everything happening, he doesn't let himself wallow in his emotions, instead reigning himself in quickly and applying his problem solving skills to the challenges the group faces. He's the first one to pick up on clues the other characters miss, and he's able to piece together both some disturbing truths about the situation at hand, and an eventual plan for ending the lockdown.
Note: Demon lords in Devil Survivor, who command the hordes of weaker demons, all have "Bel" in their name somewhere -- Belberith, Belzaboul, Jezebel, and so on.
Sample Post:
Okay, uh, I guess the change of scenery isn't too bad, and the lack of hysterical crowds is a definite plus, but when I said I wanted to get out of the lockdown? This isn't...quite what I had in mind. I mean, there are worse places to be than stuck in the middle of the woods, but this really isn't my area of expertise. The closest I've ever gotten to a camping trip in the deep wilderness was price-checking sleeping bags on the internet.
It doesn't seem too bad here, though. There's even internet access! I was starting to go into withdrawal for a while there. I should just check my forums before I keep looking around...wait, can't connect to the specified server? I can't even get to Google...well, what can I get to then? "The Ultimate Compendium of Chuck Norris Jokes"...uh, no thanks. I'll have to mess with the network settings later. That's gotta be fixable.
But aside from the internet problem, I could get used to this. No guys with machine guns guarding the barrier, and at least it looks like the tentacle monster just sticks to the lake. And no cults...maybe. Probably. That pack of gray guys moaning in three-part harmony don't look too promising...then again, they're singing about brains, not kool-aid. And they're a little too pasty-looking...demons? No, more like...zombies? I really need to figure out what the deal is here, so maybe they can tell me something.
Hey, 'scuse me! You! Yeah, you with the...uh, you who had the hairy arms, sorry. Man, that's just gross. Can we talk for a minute here? It's nothing bad, really, I was just wondering who you're working for. ...Brains? Uh. Belberains? Brainzebel? Any of those names ring a...bell?
Ow ow come on the pun wasn't that bad! ...okay, the pun was that bad, but that doesn't mean you have to eat my arm for it, come on! Look, I don't really want to start a fight here, but it's my arm. What do you want it for? It doesn't even fit you. Last chance, okay? Count of three and I'm turning on my COMP, summoning something a lot bigger, uglier, and tougher than you, and you're gonna have to find something else to do with your teeth, got it? One...two...
Serious days are over. Let's AU_
...what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Poll Vote! Character: Tomoya Okazaki
Series: Clannad
Character Age: ~18
Canon: Clannad revolves around Tomoya Okazaki, a third-year high school student. Due to the fact that he's often arriving to school late, skipping classes, and staying out all night long, he's labeled as a delinquent. Hell, he doesn't even mind referring to himself as such. In the beginning, he was bitter about life and how everything is repetitive, wondering whether anything would change at all if things remained how they were. While walking to school one day, he met a girl named Nagisa Furukawa. Since then his life changed and he began to enjoy life more than he used to. Throughout the journey of Clannad, Tomoya begins to learn about what it means to have family and friends.
Tomoya is the type of guy who's completely blunt, but usually poking fun with his peers thanks to his overly active imagination. Because of that imagination of his, he's able to come up with ridiculous and dramatic lies, forming humorous scenarios to explain certain situations he comes across. Although he may seem insensitive and apathetic, he really is kind-hearted and good-natured. Over time, he began developing genuine emotions towards the friends he made throughout the school year. Although he's like every other male adolescent in the world who keeps his feelings guarded, it's a given that he is extremely loyal and caring towards the people he cares for.
Sample Post:
So, this is one of the outcomes of a person losing someone important to them. If you ask me, Elizabeth Sayre, I think this kind of thing belongs in a science fiction movie because it’s not everyday that you get to see zombies, random purple gorillas fighting off a tentacle monster, and jabbering toucans. I don’t know why you even bother bringing in various people from all over the world to this camp, but hey, if that’s how you cope with loss, go right ahead. You seem pretty unaware of the unhappy campers and counselors in this place, though. I always hear about this Marcy and how the Tuesday soup should be avoided at all costs. The so-called “barrier” that doesn’t allow anyone to leave is kind of dramatic, don’t you think? If you’re in need of someone who refuses to leave your side, why don’t you go out and make some new friends? Just because you lost someone doesn’t mean you should torture everyone else . . . although it must be fun watching everyone run around camp with a panicked expression on their faces.
In other words, you should get out more and find a new hobby or something because this one isn’t working for everyone. I know there are a few in camp that actually enjoy their time here, but the majority speaks for itself, if you get my drift. So why don’t you hurry up and send me home since the smell of this swamp is bugging the hell out of me. Unless you plan on changing the loca-AHH!
. . . Oh, it’s just another zombie. You guys really don’t know how to approach people, huh? I think grabbing someone by their shoulders from behind can get you hurt depending on who you’re surprising. Well, that doesn’t matter now. Since you approached me so suddenly, you must have something that you’d like to tell me in those incoherent sentences. Brains? You want brains? Actually, I have a secret to tell you. I’m actually an android who came from thousands of years ago. My mission is to find a way to dominate this planet which is programmed in my hard drive. You see, I don’t have any brains to offer since I’m made out of bolts, nuts, and fancy wires, so you’re better off asking somebody els-and what is with this hand? Are you trying to see whether I’m telling the truth? I don’t think molesting me will get you the answer, so can give you back off? I said back off! . . . Are you crying? I have no idea what the green substance is, but if it’s coming from your eyes-hey, there’s no need to make funny noises like that either! Ugh, I’m sorry that I lied about being an android, so please calm down and pull yourself together.
. . . You knew I was going to fall for that, didn’t you?
Poll Vote! Character: Quistis Trepe
Final Fantasy VIIICharacter Age: 18
Canon: Gardens and SeeDs sound trivial, but in the world of Final Fantasy VIII, Garden means a school that trains teenage mercenaries known as SeeDs. Using the power of love and some kickass firepower, five SeeDs and a teenage revolutionary-become-sorceress save the world from an evil sorceress bent on destroying it through time-manipulation.
One of those five SeeDs is Quistis Trepe, a serious and intelligent whip-wielding young woman often lauded as a child prodigy due to her achievements in becoming a SeeD at a young age and then becoming the youngest SeeD to gain her instructor's license. She tries her best to act as a leader, but is often undermined by her own insecurities and frustration. Often hesitant to speak about her own feelings, she in no way feels timid in letting you know what she thinks of you and what you should have done. That's right. In the end, Quistis is the bossy big sister you love to complain about.
Sample Post:
SeeD candidates of the new CFUD Garden, stand up! Have none of you heard of cleaning your equipment or washing your uniform? I know you're based in the swamp but really, you have to look after yourself! This sort of wear and tear doesn't look good for the reputation of Garden and it's unhealthy. You have to keep yourself fit if you're going to fight soldiers and monsters - and yes, I can see by that purple furry arm you're waving around that you can fight monsters. Even if I've never seen a monster that purple - you say it's a 'rillia'? A gorilla! A purple gorilla. That's a new species I haven't heard of. But you still need to have the basics of cleanliness down; it's better for everyone involved. What if you get sick and then attacked by a purple gorilla? That's right, you wouldn't be at your best and you could die and no one wants --
Really, stop waving that arm around! Did you bring that back because you wanted a trophy? That's morbid. Put it down right now. I'll be talking to you later.
I have made arrangements to provide you with new shirts and pants while your current clothes are cleaned. Or burned. I say burned and we can have a campfire where I will get to learn about each of you individually. No, not right at this moment, Brian. Later. The bonfire will be lat - You think I'm Brian? No, my name isn't Brian. It's Quistis Trepe. Quistis. Wait - you were asking if I had a brain? What sort of question is that to ask? You should speak clearly! All that mumbling leads to confusion. And you again with the purple gorilla arm. Drop it! You have to take orders if you're going to get anywhere. Don't cut off the arm of a monster, stuff it, and then act like it's a prize. Why would you pick an arm? If you go through a tough battle and the monster fails to drop an item, go for something with more impact if you absolutely feel the need to have a memento. Hunters often choose to mount the head or take the skin of a kill. Yes, sometimes they even stuff an entire body, but it's not practical to drag a body around when you're fighting. Have some restraint.
Now I will be going down the list and calling out your name and rank. No jokes about 'rank' smells, please. I have heard them before. Anderson, Thomas - deceased. Baard, Jessica - deceased. Beauchamp, Claude . . . deceased. I see I've been giving everyone here the wrong lecture. Because no one told me that the CFUD Garden student body consisted of undead.
And as most of you seem eager to meet me one on one, I believe this calls for a demonstration. Commonly used as a revive item, the phoenix down can have an uncommon and unexpected application on the battlefield when used against an undead monster. It's known as an instant kill. Allow me to show you.
Poll Vote! Character: Shiv
Static ShockAge: 17
Canon: A mysterious explosion unleashed an experimental gas over the city of Dakota one night, turning those exposed into metahumans with exciting new powers. Since Dakota doesn't seem to care about curfews, almost every person to get these cool powers is a stylish modern teenager. It could be the beginning of Saved by the Bell: X-TREME, except most of those teenagers are dangerous gang members with no concept of moderation. What are the good people of Dakota to do with the sudden spike in crime? Why, they do what any other city using superhero logic would! Let the inexperienced teenager Static Shock take care everything! Problem solved, as long as nothing bad happens during school hours.
For every wholesome superhero there's a dastardly villain, and for every dastardly villain there's a loyal funny guy. That funny guy is Shiv, a constant annoyance to heroes and villains alike. At first glance, Shiv doesn't look very intimidating. His constant cheer might even fool some into thinking he's a good guy deep inside, until they realize Shiv considers the Joker a positive rolemodel and gets really excited about stabbing things. Shiv can manipulate light energy into weapons that can be held or made part of his own body, which means he can have lightsabers for hands. That would be completely awesome if he were useful in a fight. Shiv is more of a showman than an actual threat, and spends a lot of time laughing at his own jokes. He gets so caught up in putting on an act that he can be taken out by something as simple as a baseball thrown at his head. With all these faults, the big bad boss probably just keeps the guy around as an example of what not to do.
Sample Post:
Listen, I gotta say I am just tha-rilled to be here. I've always wanted a captive audience! Haha! Do you get it? Captive, because you dumb slobs can't even figure out how to get through a wall! Barrier, shmarrier. You just aren't applying yourself. What a bunch of underachievers! Kids today, am I right? Pssh no, I ain't gonna help. Didn't I just say kids today are underachievers? Keep up, slowpokes, because I am on a roll! Ba-dum ching! Heehee, drumroll. Classic.
Speaking of classics, stop me if you've heard this one before. Why did the zombie cross the ro- Ow! Owowow! Stop throwing stuff at me! Okay fine, what if it's a zombie baby? Heeey, I see you there, taking your ears off so you can't hear me. That is cold. That is ice ice, baby. Yeesh, for a bunch of softies this sure is one tough crowd. Softies, because you're all rotting and squishy, see? That's a little joke just for you. Come on! That was a good one! Ugh, you give and you give and you give and never get nothin' back. It'd break my heart if I had one. Hoohoo, lucky me! I can't imagine how exhausting life is for people who care all the time.
But you know, that's fine. So you don't like jokes, so what. There's plenty of other things to keep us entertained. For example, I can cut a rug! HAHAHAHA! ... The rug is your face. And I'm gonna cut it. Get it? Okay, that one was lame, but the point is that now my hand is a knife and yours isn't. How about a little demonstration? Now this handy blade never rusts or dulls! Look at how cleanly it slices and dices through anything! Hey, I can even make Julienne fries - whoever Julienne is. Hehehe, ahh who cares what your name is? I'll cut up anything that gets in my way! Say goodbye to your happy trees, your precious woodland friends, and this big dumb rock! AHAHAHA... Ha... Hrm.
I, uh, I'm stuck. Heh. So about that rampant property destruction! That was just a joke, you know? Just a little fun between friends. Aww c'mon, don't be mad. Help me get unstuck and we can hug it out! Wait, where are you going? Get back here you ugly sack of maggots! Don't think I'm done with you yet! You haven't even heard my punchline!!
Poll Vote! Character: Tachibana Juta
OtomenCharacter Age: 17
Canon: Masamune Asuka seems like he's the ideal man. He's calm, rational, stoic, smart, good with girls, and very athletic, participating in judo and kendo. However, what no one knows is that Asuka would rather spend his time reading shoujo manga or knitting stuffed bears. Because of his mother's insistence on manliness, Asuka keeps this side of himself hidden at all costs, but when he falls for Miyakozuka Ryou, a girl who isn't too girly herself, everything changes. Their evolving relationship is closely observed by their friend, Tachibana Juta who... just happens to be writing a shoujo manga based on the two of them.
To be honest, the fact that Asuka is the subject of Juta's manga is not really that much of a coincidence. Over the course of Otomen, Juta repeatedly states that he has been stalking closely observing Asuka for a while now, and seems to know quite a lot about him and his girly habits. When he's not writing or drawing Lovetic, the popular shoujo manga based on Asuka and Ryou's relationship, (written under a pseudonym, of course!) he is a complete playboy, juggling two or three girlfriends at a time and occasionally getting beat up by jealous boyfriends. Despite his outwardly carefree and flirty way of acting and speaking, he can be a bit of a workaholic, and will risk life and limb to save his manuscripts.
Sample Post:
I'm not going to get any work done for months! This swampy summer camp isn't pure or romantic at all, it's completely uninspiring! I knew I shouldn't have believed those brochures, romantic jacuzzis, special couple's dinners, there's nothing like that here! ...Aah, what a dilemma. My publisher isn't going to be happy if I just disappear off the face of the earth for a few months. Don't think the fans will be crazy about it either. There's got to be something here that's a little romantic. They had to get the pictures in those brochures from somewhere, after all.
Eh? Well, that might work. Those two seem to be getting pretty lovey-dovey. Now, I've just got to sit over here and watch, aah, I wish I'd brought my binoculars, they're kind of far away. Let me see... they look like they're having a picnic. Might be a good idea for the manga, I should keep that in mind. The food looks a little... slimy, though. I'd have to change that, make it something cute. I've got plenty of inspiration for that, aha~ ♥
E-Eh!? Okay, that's not even kind of pure or romantic. What is she doing to his face!? Suddenly I'm glad I don't have my binoculars. These people clearly don't understanding the esthetic of a shoujo manga at all. Haa, I would have been much better off staying at home and watching my reliable models. If they'd just try and make a little more progress, I wouldn't have to resort to things like this! I should bill them for my travel.
...Oh great, now she's coming over here. I thought I was being pretty sneaky, too. No, no, Miss, I wasn't spying on you at all~♥ I'm new and I was just trying to find someone to give me directio- Miss? You look like you could use some help, y-your arm isn't really looking so good, ahaha, m-maybe you should have that looked at...? Come on, Tachibana, put it together, skin falling off, e-eating slimy, twisty food, staggering walk...
S-So that's how it is. I think I'll be leaving now, Miss! ♥ I've got... other things to attend to! No, not more stalking, where'd you get that idea?
Zombies, very much not the shoujo ideal. I'm starting to think this camp thing was a bad idea.
Poll Vote!