(no subject)

May 16, 2011 05:20

CAN I GET THE LAST BATCH UP BEFORE RUNNING OUT THE DOOR TO WORK? Let's find out. Last round! The next app date will be announced later this afternoon!

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Ragna the Bloodedge
Series: Blazblue
Character Age: not stated, but around 24.
Job: Resident Ghostbuster

Canon: There's a story that's retold and well-known. In the past, a great Black Beast once threatened to destroy and engulf everything. Fortunately for the world, six Great Heroes stepped forward to create "Ars Magus", weapons with both magical and scientific abilities. With the help of these weapons, the Black Beast was soon defeated. After its defeat, the NOL (Novus Orbis Librarium) was created in order to control the distribution of the dangerous Ars Magus. Fast forward a century, and not everyone is happy with the way the NOL is running things.

One such person is a vigilante, "Ragna the Bloodedge", who also has the pleasure of having the largest recorded bounty in history. And with good reason. He's a man of action (mostly impulsive, destroying various NOL branches) and little words (mostly screaming, or insults), and can pretty much be described as your typical shounen idiot. At first glance, he's rude, abrasive and distant. He dislikes getting attached to other people, and prefers to go at his own pace. However, despite his slightly off-putting first impressions, Ragna is actually quite capable of being... pleasant, depending on the person. He's a bit of an unwilling softie at heart, and can pretty much act like the wonderful big brother (though he'll whine about it internally). The short-tempered, prone-to-punching older sibling of the cast, he'll play along with your jokes and playfully tease you... If he's not telling you to get the hell away from him, or being absolutely terrified of ghosts.

Sample Post:

Hey! Listen up, damnit! Who do I have to beat up to file a complaint around here?!

Seriously, what the hell kind of a joke is this? I played along with your stupid game long enough, and it’s about time I got some answers. Dragged here to do your dirty work, and I’ve already been dragged to my limits and back. Not like I expected anything better, considering I’m stuck here over something as stupid as “Ghostbusting”. Who the hell do you think I am? Placing me in your “ghost-inhabited” nowhere and expecting me to do something about it? The place looks like it’s got more than just ghosts, anyway. I’m talking about the crawling pieces of meat everywhere. They need to learn to keep their hands to themselves, or else I’ll help ‘em lose ‘em. How many hauntings do you have around here to even need this damn job opening, anyway?! If you end up with that many, you might as well pack up and move out. Ghosts play dirty--you can't slice 'em, hit 'em, anything. And it’s not like you can kill ‘em, because they’re already dead. So what the hell is the point?! Just deal with it yourselves.

But no, that ain’t the main problem. It’s that poor excuse of a “haunted house” over there. The one I’m supposed to clear out, according to the job description. I said I’d deal with your shit, because it’s not like I was given any other choice. So I went in there. Dealt with the-the cold feeling. The surroundings were fine, how you’d expect a place like that to look like. The thing that wasn’t fine was your goddamn ghosts. Think I wouldn’t figure out something as simple as a bunch of rotting idiots under a bedsheet? Give me a fucking break! Like I said before, you can’t slice a damn ghost. Obviously something’s wrong when I throw a rock at it and the ghost falls apart at the seams. Guess I gotta give you some credit for the birds, though. You almost got me there. Glad to see you put some more effort into scamming me out of my time, at least. The whole ‘talking in your head’ shit was pretty convincing. A suggestion for next time: give them some eye-holes when you drape sheets over their heads. The trick was up the moment they flew into the wall.

Either way, turns out your “haunted house” is just cheap as hell, and not haunted in the least. Why dump someone here to solve your ghost problem when you don’t have one in the first place? I’m not in the mood to deal with your power trip. If the only reason I’m here is for you to laugh at my expense while I tear your damn zombies apart, Sayre, you got another thing coming.

I’ll deal with Casper, first. Then I’m heading straight for you.

Poll Vote!

Character: Desmond Miles
Series: Assassin’s Creed
Character Age: 25
Job: Resident Couch Potato

Canon: The story of the bitter rivalry between the Templars, who seek absolute obedience of the population, and the Assassins, who fight for free will, spans generations, with the Templars in the end having a hand over the Assassin’s. However, thanks to the actions of Desmond Miles’s Assassin ancestors, they haven’t won completely... yet. Unfortunately for Desmond, they’ve learned how to unlock memories via DNA, and despite his attempts to escape his Assassin heritage, he’s been pulled back in again, this time via kidnapping, and is forced to relive the memories of his ancestors. But it’s okay, he escapes eventually. Sort of.

Despite all of this, and Desmond’s background of being a normal person most of his life, he manages to not lose his mind. He starts off naturally freaked out by the occurrences around him, but quickly grows used to most of them. Though, to be fair, it’s hard to get used to people talking directly to him through his ancestor over 500 years ago. While not the brightest crayon in the box, he makes up for it with sarcastic humor that can keep up with the best of them. Besides, sometimes all you can do about a seemingly hopeless situation is to mock it. Or bother the others around you. But this is just because he has to endure their endless mocking about being a couch potato while he has to live his life watching his ancestors bone, which is a lot harder than it sounds.

Sample Post:

Look, maybe you get this a lot when people walk up to you, I’m not sure. And you know what? I’m not really going to judge. But you should probably get that skin condition checked out. I just say this because I’m pretty sure that gangrene is a bad thing to have, and it looks like you’ve got it in spades man. I’m a concerned random stranger, that’s all.

But speaking of concerned random strangers, do you happen to know where I am? I don’t want to think that I was drugged and dragged to some random place against my will, but it wouldn’t be the first time that that’s happened. The problem is... This place is really random. I’m looking for crop circles, man, and that’s probably not a good way to approach this whole thing. So, any help at all would be appreciated.

… Or not. I guess I could have started off by asking if he spoke English. Maybe do a little pantomime to make sure he got the message, though I’m not all that sure how to pantomime ‘I’m lost, you have things growing on you, and you could definitely use a shower.’ I know that different cultures believe different things about BO, but I’m sure even BO has a cultural limit. And that was definitely way past it.

Alright... Back to square one. At least I have the lovely scenery of lots and lots of corn to keep me distracted. I guess I can head towards the signs and the silos, since there’s bound to be someone there. Though whether or not they’re the kind of people I’d want to meet alone in a cornfield... Okay, bad train of thought. Anyway, signs. Signs are good.

‘Marcy Welcomes the New Counselors to Camp Fuck You Die’? More like Camp What the Hell Is That Thing, Fuck! So, maybe things growing on the locals is the last thing I need to worry about. Damn, that thing looks like it could reach out and touch you eight times at once. I don’t even want to think of what it survives off of... Or how it survives at all. ‘Marcy welcomes you.’ Hmm... Guess it has a name. ‘PS, Check you pockets.’ Hm. A mysterious letter placed in my pocket. The plot thickens-- instead of Templars kidnapping me and taking me to a hi-tech company, I’m kidnapped to a random country with lots of corn and a resident... octopus? Named Marcy with weirdly prophetic signs. All signs point to this being an awesome vacation spot.

Which it looks like my lucky day. Counseling people on how to do nothing at all... The couch potato counselor! Why am I not surprised? You know, believe it or not, living someone else’s life is really hard work.

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Sazh Katzroy
Age: 40
Job: Chocobo Stable
Series: Final Fantasy XIII

Canon: The paradise Cocoon floats high above the wilderness called Pulse, with Cocoon's comfortable lifestyle being maintained through the powers of the godlike Fal’cie. The Fal’cie, when they can’t get things done on their own, have a habit of marking mortals to do their bidding. These mortals, L’cie, are completely screwed no matter what: Either they complete their mission and become trapped in a crystal, sleeping for eternity, or they fail and become horrible rampaging monsters.

Sazh is just an airship pilot and delivery man. He didn’t want to get wrapped up in all this. But after an unfortunate incident branded his son a L’cie, he tried to go do his son’s mission for him to save him. That only succeeded in getting him branded as a L’cie as well. Whoops! As a result, Sazh found himself with a group of other L’cie, and somehow managed to end up in his position as team dad, where, as the token logical-thinking party member, he mostly just wants the world to make sense again. Despite being the eldest, and by far the most mature party member, he’s rather carefree, a bit silly, hopeful, and ultimately forgiving of everything. While he can be stern, the only way to really make him mad is to threaten children.

Note: Chocobos are birds that hatch at the size of a baby domestic bird, and grow to be large enough for people to ride on. Sazh has a baby one that lives in his afro.

Sample Post:

Now, I’ve seen weirder places than this, but not by much. This even the right area? I came here to make a delivery to Chocobo Farm UD... well, this looks enough like a farm, so I guess this must be it. Can you really raise a chocobo here? Can’t say I know much about how you raise much of anything on a farm, so I guess they probably know what they’re doing, even if they do look a little dead on the job... And here I always thought that was a figure of speech.

Anyway, I got everything you wanted here. Chocobo feed, vet supplies, some bedding, some barbecue sauce... Don’t think I really want to know what you’re planning to do with that last one. Some horseshoes, brains, and... Okay, now you guys are just messing with me. How’d you even get brains on this list? Pretty clever, however you did it. Oh, right. Used your brains, of course.

So it looks like you’ve got just about everything you need here. Just point me to the stables and I’ll get everything unloaded. All right, hang on, what are you pointing at me for? I said ‘point me at’, not ‘point at me’- Oh, very funny. I get it. Look, I get this place is weird, but you can’t just expect a guy to have a whole stable full of chocobos in his hair, just ‘cause I’ve already got one. This one’s a handful as it is. Or, I guess a headful.

Come on, even if you guys give me that look, I can’t just stay here on some farm in the middle of nowhere. Don’t look so crestfallen, it makes it look like your faces really are gonna come off. … You might want to get that looked at, actually. That doesn’t look healthy. Anyway, look at all the space you’ve got here. There’s more than enough room to just let your chocobos roam. How many do you have, anyway?

Woah, that’s a lot of you... Hey, wait a second, stop! This afro’s a one-seater only!

Poll Vote!

Character: Vanessa Nightray
Series: Pandora Hearts
Character Age: Early twenties
Job: Anger Management Counselor

Canon: Ever thought your fifteenth birthday completely sucked? If you're one for schadenfreude, then Pandora Hearts might be for you. Just a little bit above your regular disastrous party, Oz Vesalius' fifteenth birthday included being stabbed by his best friend, him almost killing said best friend and, to top everything off, being thrown into "The Abyss", a mysterious and scary place that, according to the legends, criminals are sent to. Oz's crime? His very existence! No need to feel too sorry for him, though: after all, he does manage to get out of there after forming a contract with a powerful creature known as "chain". Escaping from the Abyss is only the beginning, however, and Oz is determined to find more about the crime of his existence. On his road to this, he comes across the Nightrays.

A member of the Nightray family, Vanessa is the only daughter amongst the Duke's offspring and his second-youngest (natural) child. Largely due to the fact she's the member of a noble family, Vanessa has a tendency to look down on those of lower social status and certainly doesn't look favorably upon commoners. She takes great pride in her family's name and, in addition to that, is an extremely prideful person in general. Definitely rough and with a rather brash personality, Vanessa is typically very assertive and likes to take charge. In addition to that, she has a short fuse, is extremely easy to anger and frequently resorts to physical violence to show people her displeasure. Your little brother ran away from home? Slap him when he's back! Someone is a potential threat to your little brother? Push him down the stairs! But despite how aggressive she is, Vanessa does have a softer side to her, and ultimately she's a caring, fiercely protective woman who's ready to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of those she loves.

Sample Post:

You've got to be kidding! Whose sick idea of a joke is this!? As if suddenly waking up in a farm, of all places, wasn't bad enough! Really, have you even taken a look at this place? It's dirty! I have no intention of spending any more time in the presence of cows, goats and any other livestock animal! And that's not even counting those rotting things. Are they supposed to be humans? They're disgusting, and I refuse to tolerate their smell any longer. Do you even realize who I am? I'm a noble! This is no place for someone of my status. To ask me, a member of the Nightray household, to spend my time, energy and effort working in here regardless of all of that- that's beyond infuriating!

And that's not even going into the sort of job you want me to take on. Oh, just let me read out its description once again for you, you stupid animal. "Help people work out their issues and teach them a healthy way to channel and manage their anger"- that's what I'm supposed to be doing here! Even an animal such as yourself should be smart enough to realize that's nothing but a waste of time. What's there to manage? Anger is anger and I couldn't care less about channeling it in a healthy way, and we're not even talking about me getting angry here, we're talking about other people! Do I look like someone who enjoys doing pointless things? I have things to do and people to take care of at home, and I won't allow this childish prank to play out!

Because that's what it is, isn't it? A stupid prank and nothing more. But I don't think you understand how serious this is! This isn't just a matter of insulting my pride and my family's name- you're also guilty of kidnapping me! Do you seriously believe anyone would let you go after that? Kidnapping a member of a noble family is a serious crime. And since you're clearly directly involved in all of it, unless you want to to get thrown in jail you better collaborate with me and tell me where Elizabeth Sayre is hiding! And don't try to trick me into going inside that silo- I can clearly see the monster on top of it even from this distance!

As for you, you unspeakably obscene bird, I'm going to say this clearly so that you can inform your master: I don't care if she's in such a poor condition that the only servants she can afford are sentient animals. I'm going to personally make sure she will rue the day she thought to make fun of a member of the Nightray family! And since she's apparently so concerned about how people manage their anger, I will be certain to channel the anger I'm feeling right now in the healthiest possible way: on her person!

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