(no subject)

Jul 30, 2006 18:05

Quick app post before I have to run back out!

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Haruhi Fujioka
Series: Ouran High School Host Club
Age: Not stated in canon but around 15.

Canon: Ouran High School Host Club takes place at the highly prestigious Ouran Academy, school of the rich. Haruhi is a lower class girl who is able to attend via a special scholarship and fabulous grades. Haruhi's Great Adventure with the Host Club starts when she accidentally breaks an expensive vase (read: ¥8,000,000) and is roped in to work for the Host Club to pay off her debt. To be allowed to remain a part of the Host Club, she must pretend to be a boy, opening the doorway for wacky gender-bending hijinks.

Haruhi is practical, down-to-earth, independent, and very honest. She is resigned to the fact that she's stuck with the Host Club, but that doesn't stop their ridiculous antics from wearing on her. Being a special scholarship student, Haruhi is academically intelligent, but can be selectively oblivious with certain real world elements (especially the feelings that various characters have for Haruhi). Even though she needs to pretend she's a boy, she's surprisngly nonchalant about the issue as she doesn't particularly care about gender identity. Yet despite her flaws, Haruhi has a natural charm that lends to her success as a host, and she can sometimes be quite kind and sensitive about other people's troubles. She also has a soft spot for expensive food like seafood, but especially ootoro/fatty tuna which she has been foiled in her attempts to try so far.

Note: Kyouya and Tamaki mentioned with players' permission. "Senpai" is a respectful term for upperclassmen.

Sample Post:
This "Host Club Summer Camp" idea might be the most elaborate theme the Host Club has come up with yet. When I received a bill totaling my remaining debt with a plane ticket attached from Kyouya-senpai, I was definitely expecting something elaborate, but this really is a bit much. I mean, it's a whole forest and swamp, complete with some sort of fancy invisible dome! I hope all this mud and the strange, lurching people aren't Tamaki-senpai's strange idea of a "commoner's camp". I'm probably going to have to wear some sort of ridiculous outfit again. I can already imagine what he's going to say.

"Oh Haruhi! We decided to go with a 'Rotting Mystique Fantasy' this time!" "Oh Haruhi! I had an outfit made for you! Look, it even comes with a super cute half rotten dress!"

...ugh. This is a big hassle, even if I get a bonus towards my debt. Goodbye studying time. Goodbye quiet vacation. Oh well, at least the mess hall might have some interesting things to eat, if it's being run by the Host Club. Maybe... they'll even have some sort of fresh lake-caught fish... I guess it's also nice to be able to travel a little, but I would really have rather stayed home and spent the summer studying. Hopefully only a few guests will show up, and I'll be able to study anyway--

H-hey! You stupid bird! That's my favorite pencil you're flying away with--!


Oh great. Now my uniform is dirty. I'm probably going to have to pay for that too. I take back what I said before. This isn't the most elaborate theme the Host Club has come up with. It's the most idiotic.

Poll Vote!

Character: Haku
Series: Naruto
Age: 15

Canon: There was a boy, and his name was swirly fishcake...okay, okay Naruto, better? Naruto's ambition is to become the hokage, strongest shinobi in the entire village. What does being the strongest really mean to Naruto? Not a whole lot, until he meetsHaku. Haku is (or was, rather) a shinobi from the Hidden Village of Mist. The violent nature of his past is not really examined in detail, but we know that Haku was feared and reviled for his special bloodline ability, and that this fear eventually leads to his father killing his mother and then trying to kill Haku. When Haku defends himself, he accidentally kills his own father and becomes an orphan wandering the snowy streets of Wave Country, until he is found by Momochi Zabuza.

For Haku, Zabuza was his saviour; the only person who saw Haku as something valuable and desirable, even though Zabuza treated him as one might treat a beautifully crafted sword. This means that while Haku is not self-pitying in any way, he does have some serious self-esteem issues. His worth is measured in the use he can be to Zabuza, and his survival is dependant upon that prolonged usefulness. Haku is a strong fighter, strong enough to have at least been able to pose convincingly as one of Mist's elite hunter-nin. He is devoted to those he cares about, and will do whatever necessary to protect them, even if it means destroying a bit of himself. However, Haku is a kind person at heart. He doesn't really want to harm anybody, and it hurts him to do so. Although sometimes pain is a good thing, as shown by Haku's other hobby: acupuncture.

Sample Post:
This certainly is a strange section of forest you have here. I think some of the foliage tried to attack me. And the only people I've seen so far appear to be…dead.

Yet they are surprisingly mobile. Hmm.

Anyway, I'm looking for a man. It's very important that I find him as soon as possible. We were supposed to be on a mission for some person called "The Director"… something about killing a murderer? Except that we were never really told who we were supposed to kill. I hope more information is coming. Zabuza gets testy when we haven't eaten for a while, and this job sounds like it will pay well.

Oh, Zabuza? That's the name of the man I'm looking for. He's very tall, large sword, a lot of bandages on the face….Please tell me you've seen him? I really need to get back to him. I was only supposed to be gone for the morning, picking herbs, but it's already evening and he might need me for something.

I…I hope he's okay.

My name? You can call me Haku, but really, that doesn't matter at all. Zabuza. That's the name I want you to remember. Tell me if you see him.

And…if you could also tell me where I am? The sign posts don't seem very helpful. The big one just insulted me ('Fuck You Die' ? How rude. Although the 'Camp' part confuses me...), and the others are pointing towards the ground and saying things like "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter". That's really not the way to attract tourism. No wonder all the villagers here seem to be dead or...well...monkeys.

Speaking of which, excuse me Gorilla-san, I need to get through there. You won't? That's really too bad. I'll just have to move you myself. There's a handy source of water and...


Why are my ice senbon plaid?

Poll Vote!

Character: Soma Cruz
Series: Castlevania
Age: 19

Canon: (Contains Spoilers) While most of the games in the Castlevania series focus on the
centuries old feud between Dracula and the Belmont family, Aria and Dawn of
Sorrow are different, not only because they take place after Dracula's final
defeat in 1999, but because main character Soma Cruz is actually Dracula's
reincarnation. And while Soma's "destiny" may be to follow in his previous
life's footsteps and try and wipe out the human race, he's not all that keen
on the concept of genocide and is doing everything he can to avoid that fate.

Personality: For the most part, Soma is a fairly normal teenager, despite having
the power to absorb monster souls and use their powers (like the ghoul soul
referenced in the app below, which lets him eat thinks like rotten meat and
three year old milk without any ill effects). He can be a bit distant at times
and other people can have a hard time approaching him, though he's friendly
enough to them. He's the serious type, though not without a sense of humor.
He is not, however, very good at telling jokes. Soma is also the type who asks
questions and who likes to know what's going on; mostly because in the past he's
gotten his questions brushed aside with an "I"ll tell you later". Soma is loyal
to his friends, particularly not!girlfriend Mina Hakuba. Speaking of Mina--Dawn
of Sorrow's bad ending shows us Soma's "You Killed the Woman I Loved and Now I'm
Going to Spend the Rest of My Existence Killing You and Each and Every Member
of Your Pathetic, Worthless Species" Mode, the one personality trait that's
carried over from his previous life.

Sample Post:

Like any person in a strange new place filled with weird and abnormal plants
and wildlife, I've got a few questions about this place. While I'm sure you
get this a lot from other new campers and are probably tired of answering,
I'd really like to have some answers. And "camp is not as advertised" isn't
going to cut it.

Actually, the first question I'd like to ask is why my assigned laptop keeps
insisting the year is only 2006, when it's--

Huh? You came back? Wasn't expecting that... And what's that
you've got-- Look, I know I said to find lunch, but that's not what I had in
mind. Yes, yes, "bRrraaaaAAins!!", I know. That's the problem. And ghoul soul
or no ghoul soul, I'm not eating that.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the laptops. See, I had noticed--

Now what? If I'm not going to eat it, can you...? Yes, fine. I don't
care. Feel free. You don't have to ask for permission. I mean, who do I look
like, Drac-- On second thought, don't answer that.

So anyway, about this camp. I wanted to know what's going on here and why
there was--

What is it now? No, I don't have any orders for you. The only reason
I gave you any is because you said you wouldn't leave me alone unless I did.
And why do even want me giving you orders in the first place? ...Wait, you say
it's because I'm...?


So tell me camp, if upon arrival, a small group of zombies came up to you and
declared you their lord and master and demanded you give them orders, what would
you do with them?

Could you at least call me by my name, and not, you know...? No?

Poll Vote!

Character: Chibiusa/ Sailor Chibimoon
Series: Sailormoon
Age: 12? (never really specified)

Canon: Tsukino Chibiusa is the daughter of Sailormoon and Tuxedo Mask from
the 30th century. Unlike her mother, Usagi, she's a very smart, precocious
little girl. Chibiusa is mentioned to be at one point in the manga, 903
years old; so she is at times more mature than she appears. Chibiusa can be
downright bratty towards present-day Usagi, but, as Sailor Moon she secretly
worships the ground she walks on. Just like her mother, this girl will
throw away her life to protect or save her friends. Chibiusa is a terrible
Daddy's girl, even to the point of brainwashing and seducing present day
Mamoru when she was brainwashed and aged up by the villains. ♥ After
meeting Helios, Chibiusa seems to grow up and mature abit and stops clinging
to Mamoru so much. She even gets her own guardians, the Sailor Quartet.

note:taking Chibiusa from the Stars manga where she's now Sailor Star

Sample Post:
Dear Mama,

When you told me to cross time and space to beyond the galaxy, I thought
there was some grave danger I was heading into. I was fully prepared to
battle alongside Sailor Moon and together we'd triupmh over whatever evil it
was that was threatening our future. However, somehow I've ended up in a
swamp...on Earth. I expected to somehow...not be on Earth. In a swamp.
Ankle deep in foul, foul swamp mud. I'm a PRINCESS. I shouldn't be in
swamp mud! There's a glowing lake of something over there, and I
could've sworn I saw something shiny and long moving around in there. something tentacleish, like in those books daddy keeps under the

I don't know exactly where on Earth I am, or when, but it's hot and humid
and there is a wretched smell in the air. It smells like dead. I've never
smelled anything quite like it. Maybe the locals will be able to tell me
where I am... Okaaay, on second thought they seem to be disease ridden. We
don't have skin disease like that in Crystal Tokyo! Maybe you've sent me so
far back into the past, the bubonic plague is still spreading! I'm just
gonna stay under this bush till the Quartet comes looking for me. I hope
there aren't any fleas to give me a disease! I could've sworn that I saw a
purple gorilla chasing someone. What kinda place have you sent me to
Mama? I know you're busy ruling the world and all but this is a DREADFUL
mistake. Ok, ok, I'm a full fledged Sailor Warrior...I can deal with this.
First is to stop that gorilla!

Hey! Purple Gorilla! Chasing down innocent, diseased people is unjust and
unforgivable! Jungle fever can only go so far! For sake of the future,
here I am! Sailor Chibimoon! And I will punish yo--

Hey you! HANDS OFF! Ewww! Not literally! Ugghhh, that's just nasty. Put
that back on! What are you supposed to be? A zombie or something?! And
you've got GOO all over my important letter! Don't you know who I am??
You'd know if you hadn't interrupted my speech! AND YOU! STOP LICKING MY
HAIR! It is NOT COTTONCANDY! Get that cotton candy cone away from me!
Have at em Gorilla!

Poll Vote!

Character: Franz d'Epinay
Series: Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Age: 15


Gankutsuou is often called an “anime punk opera”, bringing the tale of a man who seeks revenge on the families of those who betrayed him to a new setting in a futuristic Paris. Perhaps most importantly, it's very shiny. Right in the center of Paris' new drama is a young naive Viscount, Albert de Morcerf, and his longtime best friend, the Baron Franz d'Epinay. When the Count of Monte Cristo enters their lives and begins to quietly wreak havoc on their friends and families, Franz finds himself at odds with Albert, who has developed an infatuation with the Count. He desperately tries to make him see sense, but just ends up frustrated and lost as his love interest best friend continues to choose the Count's confidence over his. When the Count finally forces him to see the truth, Albert challenges him to a duel for deceiving him, because he's smart like that. Franz, unwilling to allow him to die and unable to change his mind, gets him drunk the night before and drugs his wine with sleeping pills. The next day, on the morning of Albert's 16th birthday, Franz goes to the duel and dies in his place.

Despite having been raised with wealth, Franz is remarkably selfless. He is intelligent, wary, and absolutely devoted to protecting Albert's happiness - even to the extent that Albert accuses him of acting like a girlfriend or a mother. He gladly breaks off his family-arranged engagement to allow his fiancée to go with a man he knows she'll be able to be happy with, and continuously puts himself at risk to help the people he cares about. His own happiness matters little to him, and he encourages other relationships while putting aside his own feelings. In the midst of the chaos surrounding the Count's revenge on Paris' upper class, Franz remained one of the only people someone could be sure they could trust.

Sample Post:
...is this another of the “bad dreams”, Count? It certainly doesn't look anything like Paris, and we're both aware I was just there two minutes ago. I wouldn't put it past you - making me believe I had died in order to try and teach me some awful 'truth' about the universe and eventuality. Any minute now you're going to walk out, wearing that ridiculous gaudy coat with the sleeves looking less like they're on fire and more like they grew some sort of invasive luminescent mold. Maybe you use it to eat into the brains of your victims so they'll believe your lies, it would explain a lot.

And now I've reduced myself to petty insults. Wonderful.

Besides, Paris doesn't have any of the... er... animals that seem to be prolific around here. I don't think there are apes of that color anywhere on Earth, actually, and there can't be yet another new species. Scientists have been yearning for one for years, and I highly doubt they would be so lucky. One of the birds started an aria as I walked by, and I'm not sure I appreciate the attempt at culture - I'm still picking feathers out of my clothes, and I'm just lucky the beak didn't end up anywhere near me. I am also quite certain that the few trees left around the city don't try to touch you in uncomfortable places while you sit beneath them.

On second thought, despite the trees' bent toward molestation, this can't be any doing of the Count's. It doesn't sparkle enough, for one. The colors, while not the most pleasant, don't seem to be staging a war against each other, with the artistic casualties bleeding profusely all over everything else. For another, one can't possibly give speeches on the symbolism of articulate toucans in conjunction with a tentacle monster surrounded by buildings that are teeming with the clinically insane. Or perhaps you can - perhaps the carnivorous plants stand for the innate dangers in all surroundings that will inevitably bring down the unwary, and the “welcome” brochure that tried to snap off my hand is clearly a testament to how the pursuit of literary knowledge will only bring us pain due to a better understanding of our flawed human nature, and maybe this tiny little person squeaking on my foot shows how we ride upon the forces that could so easily flip us underneath their soles and crush us. And even the-


There is a tiny person on my foot. Jumping up and down rather cheerily for someone in such a vulnerable position, actually. For some reason, it didn't even occur to me to consider this strange until now. ...Maybe this is just death after all, and dying is in actuality endless insanity.

If that's the case, I suppose I am still in Paris.

Poll Vote!

Character: Mytho
Series: Princess Tutu
Age: Ageless, but able to pass as a middle school student

Canon: Once upon a time there was a fairy tale in which a prince and a raven were locked in combat until the storyteller died, leaving no ending. In order to seal the wicked raven away from escaping into the real world, the prince shattered his heart. However, the shards of the prince's heart spread throughout Gold Crown Town and the barrier between fiction and reality blurred, waiting for Princess Tutu to restore the prince and finish the story. Meanwhile the world has adapted to allow roaming ghosts, talking rivers, and anthropomorphic animals as Mytho's fellow students, including the ballet instructor, Mr. Cat, who threatens to marry any student who gets out of line.

Mytho is the story's prince. In the beginning of the series he is literally heartless, and whether it is somebody asking him out, demanding he eat vast quantities of food, or molesting him outright, Mytho will politely allow them to have their way. Of course, this causes problems and demonstrates his need for constant supervision in the form of a very grumpy knight/roommate/person who walls Mytho a lot, Fakir. As Princess Tutu returns Mytho's heart shards one by one, Mytho regains his more of his kind-hearted personality. Still, even when he was completely heartless Mytho always protected the helpless.

Mytho is taken right after the end of the first season, with his heart mostly restored but the shard of love infected by the raven's blood. This means he's on his way to suffering from the shoujo male lead brainwashing syndrome, where someone's pure feelings for something will cause him to turn into a duplicitous playboy, manipulating them into sacrificing their love to him instead. For the sake of camp funny, this part of his personality is suppressed, due to the lack of the raven's presence...despite how menacing his ballet dancing is as the raven prince.

Sample Post:
Is this...another dream? I don't remember coming here. But here I am, wearing my nightshirt. Again, my pants are nowhere to be found. I should start wearing them to bed. Could this be another chapter in the story? But where is Fakir? Tutu? This place seems so aimless, as if it was the stories of hundreds of authors meshed together instead of one. How could anyone make sense of it...

It is different from Gold Crown Academy. When I began my stretches I was told by a voice that I was married. Listening to disembodied voices has worked before, but I want to know why they said so. I do not think they were claiming me on Mister Cat's behalf. I made no error in my technique that deserved punishment. My nightshirt didn't blow up during the grand jeté, nor did I mistakenly tumble from a window. Their music is confusing as well; instead of Siegfried Idyll these large speakers kept playing a song called "Screwed" by Paris and Hilton. I wonder if the...style of singing is supposed to represent Paris' torment over losing Helen. Even here one cannot escape destiny's pull towards tragedy.

Ah, maybe these places are alike after all. The lake is still misty, the sky is still blue, and I met Marcy, whose tentacle work in her pas de poisson reminded me of Octoprilla in the beginner's class back at the academy. I think the squirrels are part of the artist school as well, although they seem to neglect drawing clothes on the ballet poses. Or wear clothes themselves. The heartfelt desire to find my prima donna, my partner to express in dance what I cannot explain otherwise, exists here too. I have heard such a term used frequently to describe the others here. Could it be true, that more than one princess exists? Not simply two? Not even simply females, but males as well? If this is all true, how will I be able to find Tutu here?

Frustration, loneliness, sadness, curiosity, love. I have come this far to regain my heart and understand these emotions. To complete my heart. I will not give up now, I will not...

...the emotion that seeks knowledge tells me I should forget the picture the squirrels just placed in my hand. I agree with my heart's decision.

Poll Vote!

Character: Usagi Tsukino
Series: Sailor Moon
Age: 14

Canon: Usagi Tsukino becomes a soldier, discovers she's a
princess, and saves the world all in one semester. This is an accomplishment
for a girl with an IQ hovering around 50. As the one and only Sailor Moon,
she fights evil on behalf of love and justice - though it often takes a
swift bite in the rear or some reward to motivate her. After finishing off
Queen Beryl, Usagi looks to enjoy some peace and quiet with her thousand
year old flame, Mamoru - until a little girl decides to fall from the sky
and land squarely on her head.

True to her archetype, Usagi is a scatter-brained crybaby with a distaste
for school and fighting. With others, she's very friendly and open, tending
to trust people readily unless given a very good reason not to. When alone,
Usagi can show a much more mature side often mulling over problems or
worrying about others. Above all, Usagi is highly self-sacrificing due to
her love and acceptance of everyone. Counting up the number of times she's
plunged into danger leaving everyone behind is exhausating. One would think
she had a death wish.

Sample Post:
Sent to a summer school for the learning impaired?! What does Mom mean it
was my last hope? I was passing with a C in two classes - that's
better than I did last year! I only failed that last test because I spent
the night having a meeting with the girls! We were trying to figure out why
a small girl that stole my name and hairstyle almost broke my neck by
falling on me and then pulled a gun on me! It's kind of an important
thing to figure out, Mom!

Waugh!! What hit me?! Wait, I remember this test. I had that great dream
about Tuxedo Mask during it. Hey, here's that exam that I drew an awesome
picture of Motoki on! This one has some rice from my early lunch still stuck
on it! Okay, I get it! I don't need to sit in a sea of old tests to get that
I'm not a rocket scientist! Alright, maybe I do but it's not like I
didn't try a lot...some...Nevermind!

So I have to survive a summer camp of cramming...No way, Mom!! I
can't leave Minako all alone when she takes her make-up and make-up make-up
exams - I have to support my friends! Right, like I said before, I don't
need very obvious proof of the fact that I take more make-up exams than
anyone in my grade. Where are you getting these tests from
anyway? Alright! I can get through this summer camp so I can get
home to civilization and fast food! It can't be that hard, I mean, Ami does
it everyday and she's still alive! A few weeks can only do so much damage,

These books must be what I'm supposed to be studying. A little math, some
science, Dealing with Very Late Bloomers, A Study in Adolescent
Parenting. Wait, what?! These books are crazy! This one says I
have to regularly feed and pet my books? Oh, the books...the
books are rubbing against my leg. I wonder if I just scratch its spine...it
purrs!! Well, this sure is different from normal school. I guess I could
survive this camp if it involves taking care of book creature things. School
never made much sense and neither does this so I've got to be learning
something. Great! This is going to be as easy as Home Ec without the
inflated muffin spewing out of the oven!

Wait, did the book just make a mess? Is that going to affect my grade?
NO! NO! What do I do?! Where's the manual on this! It's its own

Poll Vote!
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